15. Twoset De-Gloved II: Lettin' it happen

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Brett let Eddy hold his fist in the palm of the taller's hand as he sighed.

"Eddy, y'know what.. I was just wondering.."


"I was wondering.. if it's okay if.. if we could just fall asleep like this."

"Um.. yeah? Sure, if you want to. Do you want to.. let nature take its course? Like fall asleep and let things happen naturally? Is that what you want to do?"

"Um.. yeah.. B, but, you won't think.. it's.. cowardly to ask you to let me do this?"

Eddy furrowed his brows as he turned his body to face Brett.

"Now why would I think that?"

Brett bit his lower lip.

"Because.. I'm relying on lowering my inhibitions during my sleep rather than actively opening up my.. bare.. hand to you. It's like I'm cheating.."

Eddy sighed.

"Geez Brett, I swear, you're not cheating. It's very sweet of you to be so considerate, but I would have never entertained such a thought. I'm just glad you're willing to let this happen and if this is the help you need.. so be it, I'm okay with it, heck I'm totally happy with it."

"Okay.. thanks. Um... Eddy..?"


"..Do you think it could.. ever happen?"

"What, during your sleep? Or by your own will? Either way, I hope so and that it won't upset you too much..? Would it?"

Eddy felt Brett's fist that was resting in the palm of his hand tighten up.

"I.. I can't."

"..Why not?"

"My hands are so sweaty.. they're disgusting. I can't open it up to you now.."

"I get sweaty palms, too y'know. Everyone does. But hopefully, you wouldn't be completely repulsed by them, would you?"

Brett's response was immediate.

"No. Never."

"Well.. right back at you Brett. It's gonna take a heck of a lot more for me to not want to hold hands with you."

"I know. I know you're not like that.. I mean, I know you're like that.. that you'd be okay with my sweaty palms and a heck of a lot more.. but.."

"..Yeah I know. It's okay. Look, for what it's worth.. it was nice to know that you want to do all this stuff with me.."

"..What do you mean?"

"Well.. you were open to the idea of wearing a hoodie and a pair of oversized sweatpants so that we could sleep in the same bed. For me.. for us, I'd say this is a big deal. I get to feel an extra step closer to you. I appreciate your willingness to try these things with me and I'm grateful. I'm happy that we're getting closer."

Brett's voice hitched.

"E..even if... I can't even open up my hand to you..?"

"Even so. You've gone glove-less for me. Your bare hand is resting on my palm. This is a big deal for the both of us, right?"

"Well... it definitely is for me.."

"Well, then it's a big deal for me too then. And I am so grateful that you are willing to do this with me.."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"So.. would wanna just fall asleep like this and see if something happens in our sleep?"


"You.. you won't freak out in the morning?"

"I think as soon as I'm reminded that we planned to do this, I'll be okay."

Brett woke up to a pleasant morning. He let out a satisfied sigh despite being unsure why he felt so fulfilled. He noticed the presence of the person sleeping next to him and his heart immediately filled up with happiness as he remembered where he was. He turned his upper body towards the person and he saw his de-gloved hand, held by Eddy's – their fingers intertwined. It looked so intimate and felt so sensual it was initially almost too overwhelming and Brett wondered how he was able to stay calm and not start to panic or cry.

Somehow he managed to stay calm. He even managed a smile.

His heart rate picked up its pace.

Brett slowly wriggled his fingers, sliding their interlaced fingers against each other. He closed his eyes as he pushed his palm up against Eddy's. His hand tensed up as he felt the moisture build up due to the perspiration from his hand, embarrassed, he felt like pulling his hand away but managed to fight that temptation, he wanted his hand to stay close to Eddy's.

Without any warning, Eddy's hand suddenly opened up further as its palm pushed into Brett's. Eddy's clean hand rubbed into the disgustingly sweaty palm of his.. it was embarrassing and he felt shameful. It was something that made Brett want to pull his hand away. But the joy of holding his hand, or rather, having his hand held by Eddy, feeling and sensing his desire to maximise contact between them brought so much joy to Brett, it seemed to have outweighed all awkwardness and embarrassment he was previously feeling.

"Hey... mornin'. Are you okay?"

Brett smiled.

"Mornin'. Yeah... more than okay."

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