18. Twoset De-Gloved V: Da bombshell

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"Yeah.. the noise-cancelling ones. So super worth it. Especially if you have thin walls and noisy neighbours."

"I never tried noise-cancelling headphones. Are they really any good?"

"Oh, you can try mine if you like... oh. Um.. or I suppose you could try the ones at the shops.."

Brett looked up at Eddy;

"Actually, I.. I much rather try yours.. if.. you would let..me..? If you wouldn't mind me trying them at my place..? To see if it blocks out certain noises that I dislike."

"..So would it be okay if I brought them over?"

"Yeah of course. I'm not gonna just grab your headsets then tell you to piss off."

A slow smile worked its way across Eddy's face and into his eyes.

"Well, that's a relief.  So.. this afternoon then? Or is tomorrow better?

Brett let out a smile.

"..Excuse me, gentlemen?"

The two turned around in the corridor to face their Professor. Eddy answered;

"Yes, Professor?

"I'm glad I bumped into you two, would you please show this young man to Professor Baker's office? He is visiting him from Sydney, this is Mr Morgan.

"Hi, Mr Morgan, I'm Eddy and this is.."


Eddy furrowed his brows as he glanced at the young man standing next to their professor. Eddy then shifted his glance towards Brett and Eddy's eyes widened to see Brett with his mouth agape and his face pale as a sheet, as if he'd just seen a ghost. The man introduced to Eddy as Mr Morgan stammered;

"Oh.. my.. god.. ...Brett? Is that you?"

Eddy stared at the visitor, Mr Morgan, then he returned his gaze back to Brett.


Brett slowly peeled his eyes away from the visitor and looked at Eddy as he softly stammered;

"I.. I.. have to go. Eddy.. I'm.. sorry, I.. I have to go.."

And with that, Brett quickly turned walked away. The man known as Mr Morgan called out;

"N.. no..!! Brett, it's you, isn't it? Brett...?"

The visitor rushed up to Brett, reached out and tried to grab his hand. Brett let out what sounded like a scream and a cry as he pulled his hand away.

"Please..don't.. touch me..!"

Eddy quickly moved, placing himself in between Brett and the visitor. Facing the visitor, shielding Brett by facing the visitor, Eddy tried to say as calmly as possible; 

"Mr Morgan, was it? I'm sorry, can I show you now to Professor Baker's office?"

Eddy was ignored as Mr Morgan continued to call out to Brett.

"Brett.. you're Brett Yang, right? Oh my god, please, I.. I need to see you.. I can't believe it's you. Brett? Can I please have a better look at you?.. Brett.. do you recognise me? Do you know who I am..?"

Eddy felt Brett grab hold of the back of his shirt as he buried his face into the small of Eddy's back. Brett stammered;

"Eddy.. I.. I have to go. I'm sorry, I have to go..Please let me get out of here.."

Brett let go of Eddy's shirt and quickly walked away.

"Brett.. wait..!!"

Mr Morgan called out and tried to step towards Brett. Eddy stepped up towards Mr Morgan, preventing him from approaching Brett.

"I'm sorry.. he wants to go."

Brett took the opportunity to get away while Eddy physically blocked Mr Morgan from approaching Brett. Eddy and Mr Morgan stood face to face as they both heard Brett scuttle down the stairs.. it sounded like he was willing to go down 5 flights of steps without taking the lift, to get away from the surprise visitor.


Mr Morgan looked heartbroken.

Eddy whispered;

"Um.. are you okay..?"

Mr Morgan looked up towards Eddy.

"That was.. Brett Yang, wasn't it?"

Eddy bit his lip.

"Yeah.. that is his name.."

"You two know each other well?"

"We.. we're.. yeah, I suppose we know each other quite well..."

Due to the lack of a better expression, Eddy stammered out the same expression as Mr Morgan did.

Both Eddy and Mr Morgan looked down the staircase and saw Brett finish the last section of the stairs, and make a beeline for the exit of the building.


Mr Morgan bit his lip and closed his eyes. Concerned, Eddy inquired;

"So.. how do you know Brett..?"

"I.. I don't know if Brett has told you.. but.."

Eddy looked at Mr Morgan. He had a well-proportioned face with delicate features. In a way, he looked rather similar to Brett. He was petite and slender. Yes, he was blonde and his eyes filled with sadness were blue, yet Eddy couldn't help think that Mr Morgan looked a hell of a lot like Brett.

Eddy's eyes then shot wide open.

"Mr Morgan.. Is your first name.. Duncan?"

"Yes. Eddy, how did you know?"

" Brett..told me about you."

Duncan's eyes widened.

"Oh. Oh geez.."

"I.. I thought you moved to Western Australia, Duncan"

"I did. I mean, yes, our family did. Our family later relocated to Sydney. My parents wanted to eventually retire here in Brisbane.. so I decided to go to uni here.. Oh my god, I.. I can't believe.. after all these years.. Eddy was it? How is Brett? Is he happy? Is he... okay?"

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