19. Twoset De-Gloved VI: Da bombshell II

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" Brett..told me about you."

Duncan's eyes widened and he ran his hands through his hair.

"Oh. Oh geez.."

"I.. I thought you moved to Western Australia, Duncan"

"I did. I mean, yes, our family did. Our family later relocated to Sydney. My parents wanted to eventually retire here in Brisbane.. so I decided to go to uni here.. Oh my god, I.. I can't believe.. after all these years..Eddy was it? How is Brett? Is he happy? Is he... okay?"


Being asked by Duncan whether Brett's been happy was the saddest thing to hear and Eddy felt like crying.

"Duncan.. I better take you to Professor Baker's office. It's this way.."

"Thanks.. Um.. Eddy..?"


"Eddy.. can I please talk to you afterwards? Will you please have coffee with me?"

Eddy stared at Duncan.

"..What's this about?"

"Y'know.. it's about..."



"I.. I don't see much point in you talking to me about him.. I think you should talk to him directly."

"I.. I don't know if he will talk to me..."

"But.. what makes you think there's any good talking to me?"

"I saw how Brett was looking at you. You guys are.. close."

Eddy blushed and stammered.

"Um.. y, yeah I suppose we are.."

Please, Eddy.."

Duncan reached out and touched Eddy's arm. Eddy's eyes widened as he stared at Duncan's delicate hand that was placed on his forearm. Duncan's hand was bare. He wore no gloves and didn't hesitate to touch Eddy's forearm. Eddy looked up and stared at Duncan.

"..How have you been in Perth, Duncan? Were you.. happy there..?"

Duncan sighed.

"I was homesick for a while.. I missed Queensland.. and I was.. really sad about.. the events that lead me to.. leaving Queensland. It was the pits. I.. I was heartbroken."

Eddy closed his eyes in pain.

"..But I eventually got used to living in Western Australia. It is a very nice place..."

Eddy quickly blinked as he managed to reply;

"I'm.. I'm glad to hear that."

"Eddy.. how has Brett been?"

Eddy glanced towards Duncan. His blazing stare, trying not to miss anything, pierced through Eddy.

"Duncan.. I.. I've only met Brett at uni.. so.. you really should ask Brett that question..."

"Will you ask him to come and see me?"

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"I.. I dunno Duncan..."

"Please, Eddy."

"I.. I can relay to him your message.. that you wanna see him. B, but I can't guarantee anything Duncan. I hope you understand.. He.. he's important to me. I'm not gonna drag him over against his will. But I will tell him that you want to see him and I'll accompany him if he wants me to and will try to send him to the cafeteria at lunchtime.. The closest cafeteria from here.. in the building called Flynn.. just ask for the F building.. shortly after 1 o'clock. Okay?"

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