8. Jinxed

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"Earth calling Eddy Chen?"


"F*ck, Eddy, your response time was like 5 seconds."

"Oh. Sorry. Just thinking about stuff."

"You can wipe that creepy grin off your face too if you don't mind. Geez, just what exactly did you get up to last night?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Yeah right. That ain't a face of nothing"

Last night

"That was a fantastic meal, thanks, Brett."

Eddy didn't think he would be able to enjoy the meal after the industrial-strength mouthwash Brett gave him but he was pleasantly surprised that after a few mouthfuls he was able to thoroughly enjoy the meal.

"Eddy, how's the inside of your mouth?"

"Mapo tofu burns are brutal. But the iced tea helped. I'll live."

"Well, that's good to know. And have you had enough food, Eddy?"

"..Yes, thank you, Brett"


Brett started cleaning up by gathering the empty containers and in an attempt to help, Eddy reached out and was about to grab the bowl and chopsticks that Brett had used.

"N, no...!!"

Eddy flinched.

"Oh.. I.. I'm sorry Brett, my mind just slipped."

"N, no.. I'm sorry I shouted.. I really am. You were only trying to help.."

"Hey, it's alright."

"I've got this..lemme finish up here by myself. Why don't you take a seat on the couch Eddy."


Even after such awkward moments, they managed to recover from them. Eddy thoroughly enjoyed chatting with Brett. His impression of him was constantly rewritten - he was still quite an enigma but he was no longer the nervous and edgy person with OCD he initially appeared to be, but more a witty and charismatic heartthrob. His soft-spoken voice was always warm and so pleasant to listen to.

"Brett, I was wondering if you have ever written anything about your OCD?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I was wondering if you ever documented how it started.. or of any significant episodes.."

"No.. No one's gonna wanna read that..."

"..I would"

Brett froze momentarily and stared at Eddy.




"I think it might be important, in order to understand you."


"Of course I respect your privacy. I can't and won't ask you to share something you don't want to."

Brett bit his lower lip and went silent. He then looked up and said;

"No one's ever asked me."

"Well, I suppose some people are more interested than others."


"In you. Some are just.. way more interested in you than others."

"I don't understand. Why?"

Eddy shrugged.

"As I said before, it started as a crush. And I'm just learning a bit more about you and I like what I'm learning."

"You learnt that I have OCD and as such am a major pain in the ass."

Eddy smiled.

"Your condition may become a pain in the ass at times, but so far it hasn't bothered me that much."

Brett looked at Eddy in disbelief.

"H, how can it not bother you when you can't even take a sip of my ice tea or.. .peck me on the cheek without being doused with disinfectant afterwards..!?"

"But you did share your tea with me. And you did let me peck you on your cheek. I can only imagine how hard that would've been for you to let me. I'm.. really grateful that you did."

"Well, you actually kinda stole that peck from me."

"I did. I'm sorry. I thought you would either push me away or punch me if you didn't want me to but then I realise now that you may have had problems doing that because then you would have to touch me."

"Exactly. Plus I really don't want to punch you."

Eddy chuckled.

"Well, that's good to know."


Eddy came out of his trance and when beetroot red when he noticed it was Brett staring at him.

"Oh. Hi Brett."

"Hey. Are you ready to go? Wanna grab a coffee and lunch with me?"


Eddy looked up at the clock on the wall. It had past noon. Eddy recoiled in horror as he realised the whole lecture had finished while Eddy was daydreaming about the night before.



"Oh my god, I was completely out of it...! Do you have your aMaZiNg summary notes? May I have a look at them later, please?"

Brett smiled.

"Of course you can."

Eddy quickly packed up and the two walked side by side and made their way to the nearest uni cafeteria.

"Brett, how about we get a coffee first? Please let me get this one for you, for letting me read your notes."

"Eddy you don't have to buy me coffee every time I show you my notes."

"Well I'm getting these anyway, you grab some seats?"

"Okay, thanks."

Eddy went over to the barista counter and ordered their coffees. He signed and smiled, enjoying the warm feeling he had and the anticipation of having coffee with Brett, talking about nothing and everything and learning more and more about him.

Hopefully, we'll have no interruptions.. just the two of us, even if we're surrounded by 300 students in the uni cafeteria it can still feel like it's just the two of us in a sea of people when I'm talking to him...

He gazed across the large university eatery and his eyes widened.

Monica was sitting next to Brett.

F*ck I've jinxed myself...!!

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