22. Twoset Gloved IX: The Wall Crumbles

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Eddy stared at Brett who was tensing up. He looked visibly shaken and upset. He eventually stammered;

"I..I don't have to do anything to prove anything to you, Duncan."

Duncan looked towards Brett sadly.

"Wow.. Well.. Brett.. this is very disappointing.. This makes it very difficult to believe that you two are actually together or working on having a relationship."

Brett bit his lip. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Eddy spoke up.

"Duncan, I don't think Brett appreciates you belittling what he is saying."

Duncan looked up towards Eddy.

"It's just that what he is saying is not convincing when he can't support it with his actions."

A flare of anger erupted within Eddy.

"How can you say such a thing to him..? Don't you trust what he says? That could be very hurtful to him, y'know."

"Hurtful? Hurtful?? Just what exactly would you know about being hurt, Eddy?"

Eddy stared at Duncan in disbelief.


It was Brett who had spoken up.

Duncan turned towards Brett.

"What is it, Brett?"

"I.. I'm just saddened to see you like this."

"W, what..?"

" I'm sorry Duncan.. I thought you, of all people, would know what it's like to feel.. pain.. like heartache."

Duncan gave an exasperated look towards Brett. Brett gave a very subtle, shy and sad smile. It was painful for Eddy to see it.

"I finally found someone that I think I could re-build something together.I. I hope you'll wish me luck, Duncan. And I'll be wishing you'd be happy too. Excuse me.."

Brett walked away.


Brett would not turn around, not even for Duncan who was calling out to him.

Duncan shook his head in disbelief.

"He.. ignored me..? Brett, wait...!"

"Duncan, please, leave him alone."


"I won't let anyone hurt him if I can help it."

Brett answered his intercom.


"Brett, it's me. Eddy."


"Hi. Please, Brett, can I come up?"

"I.. I dunno."


"Are you.. on your own?"

"Yeah, of course, I am."

"Oh. Good."

"And I've brought over my headsets, too."

"Oh. Well. If that's the case..."

Eddy heard the buzzer.

"Come on up Eddy."

Eddy sighed in relief as he pushed the front gate open to enter the building.

Eddy was greeted with the saddest looking face of Brett he'd ever seen.

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