Become One...

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"Yezun! listen to me..... please tell your brother, not agree for this wedding..... because my father doing this for getting that amulet!! and if you don't believe me....then see this" Yunlan come to that waterfall, where he meet Yezun in first time.... and show him those papers which Zhujiu give to his father Feng Luo.

Yezun take it and place his hand on it....then he widen his eyes "where do you find it..??" Yezun asked and Yunlan tell everything about his father and spiritual master Sheng and his son Zhujiu..... what they plan and what they do with Shenwei. Tear drop from other's beautiful doe eyes and Yunlan feels ache in his heart.

"Please don't cry....I know because of my family, it's happened to your brother! but trust me Yezun.....I never want this for him, I don't love him.... but I never wanna hurt him. That's because I remain quiet that time..... but destiny give me another chance to fix everything, and I'm going to do this!!" Yunlan said and Yezun look at him.

"If you don't love him then why you care for him.....?"  Yezun asks but Yunlan have no words.... Yezun chuckle "I know, you like me! But..... you don't know that gege also like you!!" Yunlan shocked and Yezun continue "you come here to tell me...gege doing wrong to say yes! to your brother's proposal. But did you ever think why he do this....?" Yezun question him and other shook his head.

"Because he don't wanna come between us.....he know that you love me not him, that's because he say yes to your brother. So please forget about him and..... let gege live his life peacefully" Yezun said and left from there..... Yunlan only stand there with shocked expression. He have no idea what he do to save Shenwei and his brutal end!!


In Palace

Shenwei lay on his bed and touching his own lips and thinking about his meeting with Chu. He smile shyly when he remember their kisses.....Wei drawn in his thoughts that's why he didn't notice... someone come inside his room from the window and hide somewhere.

Servant knock the door and inform him that... Yezun is not come tonight. Shenwei nod and stood up from the bed....then go to the washroom for shower. 20 minutes later he come out while rubbing his wet hair.....he looks damn sexy in his wet state. After wipping his hair Shenwei open his bathrobe and slowly that robe slide down and revealing his hidden beauty. To two pair of cute brown eyes which belongs to only on ZHAO YUNLAN.

"OH MY GOD!! you're a miracle...."

These words which come from Yunlan's mouth.... make Shenwei freeze on his spot and he turn back to see the owner of the voice. "AAaahhhh....!!!!" Wei hurriedly cover himself with the towel "how you get inside...??" Wei asked in his scary state and Yunlan immediately come close to him and cover other's mouth.

"Sshh... please Shenwei... don't think me wrong! I only need your........" Yunlan word make Wei more scare than before... because he already cover Wei's mouth and now Yunlan saying.... YOUR!! Shenwei become frighten and start struggling.... which make Yunlan tighten his grip. "Wei stop it! *Ouch* listen to me.....wei.....*ouch* stop hitting me....*Aahhh* you bite me...." Yunlan leave Wei and shockingly looking at him....but Wei try to run from there and about to shout.

Yunlan again grab him forcefully and drag him toward the bed.....he try to make Wei sit on the bed....but because of Wei's struggle things became hard for him. So without thinking anything else Yunlan throw Wei on the bed.....and his towel also fall down, Wei try to cover himself with his hand while crying.

Yunlan stunned to see Shenwei.....he forget everything. Why he come here.... what important he wanna talk..... everything!! Yunlan only looking at Wei with lustful eyes.... Shenwei also sense what Yunlan is thinking "please! please! don't do anything..... please!" Wei said in his cries but Yunlan didn't listen and pushed Wei on the bed and kiss him forcefully.

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