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Chu harshly pulled Shenwei and make him stand.... and pushed him toward Zhujiu, then Zhujiu place his gun on Wei's temple "ge! Wei....!!" both Yunlan and Yezun want to protest but Chu warn them.... while pointing his gun "my dear didi.... give me those artifacts and accessories.... otherwise my man kill him!!" Chu said and Yezun laugh.

Ha! Ha! Kill.... you talking about killing him....haha! He's already dead!" then Yezun again start laughing in his cries "DEAD! what you mean.... Yezun?" Yunlan shockingly asked and Yezun look at him with moist eyes.

"My brother sacrifice himself to spiritual master Sheng and his filthy son Zhujiu.....for saving me and your child! and give him xxxx drugs, which make his hormone level increase.... and...and...." Yezun broke into heavy crying.

(Yes! Zhujiu is son of spiritual master....who sold every information of Amulet to Chinese Mafia Feng Lou....and also work for Chu)

Yunlan tremble and fall on the ground, he look at Shenwei...who silently and lifelessly stand there "I curse the day when we met you..... ZHAO YUNLAN!" Yezun said in his cries.


Little Flashback...

Chinese Mafia Feng Lou come to the Soul village for getting that Amulet..... because his spy Zhujiu give the information about the amulet. Feng come there with his both son to meet, the King and the deal of Amulet. Zhao Yunlan don't like meeting and he decided to roaming around in the village market.

Yunlan walking in the market and enjoying the crowd environment happily. Meantime, he heard some noise of fighting..... Yunlan go there and shocked to see the view. An angelic figure fighting with some goons with his sword.... Yunlan can't stop his heart which skip beat after seeing that beauty.

 Yunlan can't stop his heart which skip beat after seeing that beauty

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"How dare you to touch my buns you....gluttony hungry thief!" that angelic figure said and beat them up with his sword "we're sorry! Please! forgive us...." all goons plead and run away from there "stupid fellow....!" that angelic figure said and vanished from there in blink of eyes.

"Hey! wait....." Yunlan run to stop him but crowd pushed him far from there and he loses. Yunlan want to see a glimpse of that angelic figure....but he unable to see him. Later Yunlan sadly walking in the forest... and suddenly a wide smile appear on his extremely handsome face.

 and suddenly a wide smile appear on his extremely handsome face

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