Karma Return!!

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"Um...mmm....uuhhhmmm" Shenwei moan beautifully and Chu smile then he pushed Wei against the wall and press his body.....and rub Wei's prize "ah!...umm...uhh" Wei try to close his leg but Chu place his knee between other's legs and keep making him restless.


Chu break the kiss when those spearman growl "miss me honey!!" Chu said and Shenwei smirk "If you didn't do anything with these spearman, then I'll have nothing to do except only missing you..." Shenwei said in his heavy breathing.

"As you wish sweetheart! but after that, you have to treat me.....!" Chu cares Wei's lips with his thumb "then tell me how to kill them?" Chu looked at those spearman who now fully awaken and try to find them.

Shenwei instruct all of them.....stand at the corner of the room and don't move from there whatever happens....and then tell Chu, use his best weapon to kill them from far.... because if he gets close to them, they used their spear for killing.

Chu understand and take out his favourite Jackhammer Gun.....and start shooting on them.

Yunlan also take his gun and angrily shooting on them

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Yunlan also take his gun and angrily shooting on them..... while looking at Shenwei. "HOW DARE YOU TO DO THIS!!!!!" Yunlan shout while shooting....Lin looking at him with confusion and other side Wei understand why Yunlan say.

Both brother kill them with blink of eye....as that spearman got killed, the second door is open....they all look at that door. And without thinking anything Hong run toward that door "Noooooo.....!!! don't go...." Shenwei about to say something....Poisonous needles pierced Hong's body and she fell on the floor lifelessly.


Yunlan shout and run toward her....but Shenwei grab his hand for stopping him "don't go there.... there's a lots of traps.....one wrong move make you like her!!" Shenwei said and Yunlan turn to him "I'm already dead for someone! so it doesn't matter now....!!" Yunlan hurtful word pierces Wei's heart but he maintain his coldness and smirked.

"KARMA ALWAYS RETURN..... ZHAO YUNLAN!!" Shenwei leave other hand and go to the side area of the door.....and pulled a lever, then a floor tiles move....and a trapdoor with sliding ramp appear. "We have to used this for getting to the next room....and anyone don't wanna come, they can wait here" Shenwei angrily gazing at Yunlan....who sadly looking at Hong's dead body.

"didi! don't feel bad....when we get that amulet, then bring her life again... okay! let's go" Chu said and Yunlan join him. They all jumped inside the opening area.... and slide down at next huge room which having piller in the centre of the hall. Hong body also slide down with them.

The room having six pillar and there's a platform which place between those pillars.....and blood were drain slowly and going towards the square holes which filled with water...... and it circling that platform "where are we? And what's going on here....." Chu about to finish his word meantime, one golden light fall from the celling of that room.....on Hong's dead body and white smoke start appear around her, they all step back.

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