I Promise!

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"Wow! It's so expensive..... look, Yunlan! By looking at its texture, no one can tell that it is made of ice" Hong said and Lin snatch it from her hand "let me hold this.... what if you lose it?" Lin said and Hong glare at him.

 what if you lose it?" Lin said and Hong glare at him

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"Shut up! you to stop this nonsense...."Yunlan scold them and Lady Ying Chun appear in front of him "You get what you want Zhao Yunlan! now leave this place as soon as possible otherwise ready for the consequences" flower lady said and the whole ice palace start collapse "RUN!!" Lin shout and everyone start running to save their lives.... except Shenwei and vendors couple.

Wang hold Shenwei and Sang teleport them out of the ice cave..... Yunlan see everything and suddenly felt jolt in his body "what happening to me...." Yunlan said then run from there.....they all come out from it, and found Shenwei sitting under the tree......and he looks so pale. Wang looking concern same as Sang.

"Why he look so pale..." Lin whisper to Yunlan and other come close to Shenwei, and found that other take out some kind of injection from his satchel bag..... and about to inject it, Yunlan hold his hand "what are you doing.....and what is this...." Yunlan snatch it and shocked to see that injection.

"You're taking drugs, don't you know it can be deadly to you"

"I don't care!" Shenwei rudely said and stand up abruptly......his leg twist and it's make him fall, on over Yunlan's body.......and it's cause Wei's soft pink lips touches Yunlan's plum lips. For a minute they both stay like this, and Yunlan widen his eyes......when Shenwei close his eyes and open his mouth.


WARNING!!! mature content......

"Mmmhhh....mmnn...." Shenwei break the kiss and look at Yunlan with moist eyes "I know! I hurt your feelings..... but trust me Yunlan, If I weren't in this dilemma, I would never let you go, and would gladly accept your proposal and after that I'll give you an angel..." Wei wipes his tear and smile faintly.

"I'm sorry......Ah lan!!" Shenwei about to go, Yunlan grab Wei from wrist......and drag him, Shenwei just shocked and follow Yunlan..... sometime later they walk under the moonlight it's filled with star and the cold wind touched their body, which make them both walk closer to each other.

After a little walk they both sit on the grass facing each other..... Yunlan looked at Wei dearly "when I was too young my mom died and I left alone.....my father send me to boarding school, and never even want to know my wellness.... like I am not exist for him.

But suddenly one day dad called me, I was very happy and when I came back.... I find out that he only call me for finding that Amulet.....(tear drop from Yunlan's eyes) no one love me.... Xiao Wei! or maybe I don't deserve it" Yunlan said and turn other side to control himself.

Shenwei make Yunlan's face turned toward him, and cupped in between his soft palm "who said you don't deserve it....! you deserve every happiness of the world Yunlan!" Wei wipe other's tear with his thumb.

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