"Me. It was me that patched her up and held her while she cried...you've known her for a few months, man, I've known her forever!"

I didn't really have anything to say to that. The air was slightly chilled and the night was calm. I'd overlooked that part just slightly, but it still doesn't change what she wants.

"You can't force her to change her mind. I believe she's made it clear enough. I realize that you and her have history, and I really do appreciate that you gave her comfort when I was unable to do so..." I said calmly, and then narrowed my eyes.

"But that doesn't change the fact that I am the one who warms her bed at night. You need to respect that."

For a second, he looked angry. He opened his mouth, but stopped and then grit his teeth before his expression relaxed.

"I fuckin' hate you..." he grumbled, and then sighed, "mostly because you're right."

Then he met my eyes, "and partly because you're a fuckin' prick."

I shrugged and he chuckled.

"But, she seems to like you. She seems happy. There's something about you that puts me off," he said and met my eyes. I smiled wider at that and he shook his head.

"But if she doesn't mind the fact that you're creepy as shit, then I guess I don't either..." he said and turned around.

He started walking back to the camp site, and
I followed him in silence.

"Take care of her." He said suddenly just before we reached the edge of the forest.

I hummed, walking past him so that I would emerge first.

"I do." I replied, and then smiled wider as we came into the site clearing. Eliot cheered and clapped.

"They're both alive!" He said playfully, and I chuckled. Aria was smiling softly and gave me a look. I walked over and sat next to her, putting my arm around her waist.

She grabbed me by the shirt collar and pulled me down so she could whisper something to me.

"What did you say to him?" She asked me curiously and I turned and placed a quick kiss on her lips. She blinked in surprise and I rubbed my nose against hers.

"Nothing that concerns you, dear," I said just as quietly, and she pouted.

Then there was a gag noise and I looked over at Eliot, my eyelids falling. He was pretending to throw up.

"Y'all are going to make me sick," he said dramatically, and Aria giggled. the soft noise eased my irritation, and then suddenly there was a loud whistle.

We all turned our eyes to the sky, watching as a firework flew high above us before exploding into a large display of bright colors and sparks.

Aria was holding onto my arm, and as I watched the firework show, I realized something.

Come the end of this weekend will be the end of my time in the overworld...probably not for good, but it will be the end of my little paradise away from home...

I'll miss it...

I'll miss spending time with her in the sun...seeing that rosy color in her cheeks and the life in her skin.

However, I believe the choice we've made is the smartest option...this way she'll never know what I've been hiding from her.

And I won't have to make the choice to leave her...

Another firework went off, exploding in the sky. This reminds me of the end of our annual exterminations. The princess always sets off fireworks to indicate the end.

Aria pointed excitedly, "look! Aren't they so pretty!" she said, and I hummed. My arm wrapped around her shoulder and I pulled her closer to me.

"Yes, honey, they are very pretty...just like you," I added and squeezed her gently. She giggled softly, then suddenly she started coughing.

My brow furrowed hearing the noise. It wasn't a dry cough, it sounded deeper. She covered her mouth, and I glanced down at her.

Eliot looked over, slightly concerned.

"You ok, Ari...?" He asked, touching her shoulder. She chuckled and nodded, snuggling closer to me slightly.

"Yea, I'm fine. Something just got caught in my throat is all," she said, laughing it off.

Oh, my dear...you won't have to suffer for much longer.

The firework show continued, and we all watched it in silence. I'll admit, it was beautiful. I'm not the biggest fan of loud noises, but each time I glanced down at Aria, I couldn't help but feel it was worth it.

Just to see that bright smile on her face.

Even through the dark circles under her eyes, her expression was bright. I can't wait to have that by my side, ruling the my territories along with me.

I can't wait for the moment she wakes up in hell...I'll be there to greet her, and she won't look so tired anymore...

There was a slight break in the show, and Aria pulled her phone out.

"Ok, it's 11:55, guys! The finale should go off right at 12, and if I'm remembering right they set off five small fireworks as a countdown," she said, and put her phone down.

I looked down at her, and she was smiling up at me. I noticed her wince just barely before restoring her expression, then her hand went over her stomach casually.

My look softened and I placed my hand overtop hers gently, discretely using my powers to check her vitals.

I haven't done that in a while.

After a moment, I was able to clearly tell how her body was functioning. Her heartbeat and blood pressure seem to be normal...her...


Her organs...

Looking back to her eyes, it was clear now that the whites have yellowed slightly. A clear sign of illness...and she's not said a word to me.

I know she has to feel something...pain...fatigue. Yet, she's mentioned nothing to me...

I brought my hand up to her face and cupped her cheek. Just then a small firework went off and her eyes brightened before she looked to the sky.

Her and Eliot started counting down, the little fireworks counting with them.





I was expecting to hear them say one, but instead I felt fingers press against my cheek, turning my head to the side.

Her lips pressed up against mine and my eyes widened. I was only surprised a moment before I smiled slightly and closed my eyes, kissing her back.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss for a moment. She tasted faintly of blood.

Then she pulled away and the last of the fireworks illuminated her face as they went off way above us.

"Happy new year, Alastor..." she said softly. The noise made it to where I'm sure I was the only one who could hear her.

"And to a brand new start..." she added, her eyelids falling before she kissed me again. I kissed her back gently, holding her close to me.

A brand new start.

For both of us.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now