The Day Ninjago stood still

Start from the beginning

Mia hugged her brother back.

At the Destiny's Bounty, Wu looks at a photo of Misako, Garmadon, and himself in the past. Misako comes in unexpectedly, startling Wu.

Misako: I'd forgotten how pale Garmadon was before his change to evil was complete.

Wu: (puts the picture away in his hat) Misako, once again, you slip through my defenses.

Misako: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I brought my research on the prophecy of the Green Ninja. I thought maybe we could go over it together.

Wu: (Accidentally dropping the scrolls) Hmm, my. There's so much. It will take days. (He starts picking them up.)

Misako: I should have chosen you.

Wu: (Sighs) The past is the past.

Misako: Yes, but there's always the future. (They feel the ground rumbling.)

Wu: The ground moves. I fear unnatural causes. (They go to the dojo.)

Gayle: (On TV) NGTV reporter Gayle Gossip on the scene of what appears to be an earthquake rocking the city of Ninjago. But it's an earthquake like no other, as scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause. And even more frightening, the aftershocks are getting stronger.

Everyone watching on the streets gasps.

Cole: What do you think this could be?

Kai: Wouldn't be surprised if it was Garmadon. We haven't seen him for a while.

Misako: He would never. Lloyd's father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm's way.

Wu: Misako's right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else.

Jay: But what is it?

Zane: (whistles and summons his Falcon) My friend, be my eyes and look for danger in the streets from above.

Mia/Leo: Good idea, Zane.

Underground, Skales orders the Constrictai to dig up Ninjago.

Skales: Drill, baby, drill! (A drop of the Great Devourer's venom touches his arm.) Ugh! Disgusting! This infernal Devourer's venom has seeped everywhere! (He bumps into Snike.) Ugh. Why are we stopping?

Snike: My lord, we've hit something. We can't dig through.

Skales: Nonsense! There is no such thing. (They see the tomb of the Stone Army.)

Fangtom: It's ancient. Perhaps older than the Serpentine themselves.

At the Dark Island, Garmadon is climbing a mountain.

Garmadon: This is madness! You test me, Lord Garmadon?! Ninjago's rightful ruler?!

Overlord: Patience, Garmadon. All will make sense in time. For now, follow my instructions.

Garmadon: To what end? What is so important at the top of this cliff?

Overlord: The key to the greatest army ever seen. And the means to the greatest weapon ever known.

Garmadon: What good will these things do for me, marooned on this uninhabited island? How will I return to Ninjago?

Overlord: My master plan has been in the works since the beginning of time. Every piece moves in perfect harmony like the gears of a clock, slowly shifting the balance of power back to darkness. Every piece, that is, but you.

Garmadon: All right, then.

He jumps onto another mountain's cliff.

Meanwhile, the city is panicking from the earthquake.

The Oni and Dragon of Ninjago: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now