epilogue 2 (2/2).

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EPILOGUE 2 (2/2)
arcane masquerade ball


it was now seven forty-five in the evening and the ceremony would start at exactly eight pm. everyone was either with their partners or friends – perhaps even both – by level, anticipating the opening of the lavish french doors that were now decorated with a wreath.

"i reckon the boys'll come a bit later. those guys don't leave without one missing." yujin laughs, shaking her head.

"honestly! it's a thing they often do ─ i find it hilarious!" jiseon agrees, giggling with yujin.

on the spur of the moment, the people closer to the doors started to cause an exuberant fuss, baffling the two. a handful of students started to get a little bit boisterous, coming from the freshman and sophomore section of the room. jiseon couldn't blame them, especially the freshmen, as this was their first year in the academy, experiencing something as enthralling and spellbinding as the arcane masquerade ball.

"d'you think it's starting?" yujin questions, tiptoeing with her high heels, attempting to catch a glimpse of what was occurring in front. jiseon winced whilst gaping at yujin's feet.

"probably, so yujin, please, stop scourging your toes. it hurts my toes watching you too, you know." jiseon stated with a look of horror flashed on her face.

"alright, alright. i'll stop. but seriously though, is it really starting? the boys aren't here yet." yujin frowned, still trying to see through the many heads in front of her with jiseon.

"hey guys!" a voice from behind the two caused both of them to flinch and squeak at the same time – like their souls had jumped out of their physiques – creating unwanted attention from other students surrounding them.

"sorry." they both apologized, bowing out of respect and glaring at the culprit, who was none other than the shapeshifting teleporter, known for his leadership capabilities but also has a sneaky little playful side in him.

"chris!" jiseon lowered at chan.

"sorry. habit." he sheepishly chuckles, his eyes turning into creases as he scratches his head and shrugged .

"hey chan, have you seen hyunjin?" the older between the two females inquiries, her eyebrows furrowing for a brief moment.

"and felix?" jiseon joins in.

"and felix?" yujin confirms.

"oh, i was just upstairs with them. we were all going down but i got too lazy to walk down the stairs with them so i teleported here and i saw you guys, so here i am now!" he grinned, showing his dimples, one more evident than the other.

"couldn't you have just teleported all of them here...?" yujin pointed out, a judgmental but confused expression plastered on her face.

"eh. too much work." he shrugs as if it was nothing.

"hm. i thought you guys always wait for each other. i guess i was wrong." yujin murmurs to herself.

"oi bang! why'd you leave us, you sneaky little crap!"

"oi hwang! is that how you treat your elderly?"

"sorry. my bad, 'pops."

"i swear, if it weren't for all the students here, i would've had a death grip on you already." chan mutters, threatening the now horrified man who swiftly manoeuvred behind yujin.

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