𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 28| ♚︎

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"You were
beautiful and rare
and I was entranced
by you.

We barely fought,
always forgave and
times were tough,
but we made
everything fun;
I can sometimes still
feel you here.

I search for your
footprints in the clouds
like they are messages from
the universe
promising you'll
come back again."

Viserion knew it was serious. Syfas wouldn't call on such unplanned notice if it was anything but.

A turmoil of doubt whirled in his mind, his lips pursed in worry as he left his cozy cabin in a hustle.

The weather didn't reflect his mood at all, the sun was beaming down into the Ethical forest as if nothing was wrong. A normal day for all its inhabitants.

But his mind burned in question about what could have happened.

He arrived shortly after transforming into his dragon form but was abruptly stopped by guards.

Before they could question his motives, they stood silent and nodded to each other, making way for him as they let the double doors open.

He walked passed them without a care, determined to know why His King called. And knowing from his tone of voice, it wasn't good.

He entered the King office, immediately noticing how his little fairy was not with him, every inch of floor was covered with paper work as the King sat miserably at his desk with his Beta opposite him.

He cleared his throat which caught their attention, raising a brow.

"Viserion." The King spoke up, standing back from his chair. "Um.."

Syfas was ashamed, he couldn't bring himself to look at his mates father without a sting to his heart. Viserion analysed his behaviour, how he interlinked his hands, his eyes planted firmly on the wall behind him. Not daring to look at him at all.

"Syfas." Viserion spoke, he gulped knowing he had to own up for the mistakes he caused. If only he knew the motif behind the attack.

He sighed, and sat back down. Slowly unraveling everything about the last couple of days.

Viserion stood patiently as the King fumbled subtly over his words. How he played with the sheets of paper in front of him to avoid awkwardness.

He was worried for his daughters safety of course but, he knew he couldn't take it out on the King.

Syfas' shoulders untensed after he spoke the truth, breathing in deep breaths.

"Okay." Viserion spoke.

"Ok?" The king responded confused.

He nodded his head, "I'm not going to be problematic here, Syfas. It was an honest mistake. You can't have known."

"But I should've." He clenched his teeth, he didn't want to hear other peoples excuses. It was his fault and he owns up to it.

"No. And I'm sure if you've already talked to Kyra, she would've told you the same."

"Of course she would." He mumbled, that made him feel like he betrayed her more. The fact she forgave him so easily. He didn't deserve it.

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