57. Wedding

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Dream POV

I stand next to the altar. Punz stands on the altar and Sapnap and George stand next to me squabbling quietly.

"Dream," George whispers.


"Sapnap stole my tie."

"Sapnap give it back."

"Only if he gives back my shoe."

"What? George!" I turn to find George holding a black shoe.

George backs up as I grab at the shoe. We tug for a few seconds before falling to the ground and tackling each other. Sapnap joins in and grabs at his shoe.

"George give it back!" he yells raising a fist over George's face.

"Fine here!" George throws the black shoe at Sapnap. "Now give me back my tie!"

"Nahhh," he smirks.

"Sapnap give it back!" I yell.

"No," he says a smile curling on his lips as he twirls the light blue tie around his finger.

I lunge at him, both of us falling to the floor. George gets into the fray and we continue pushing, shoving, and grabbing until Punz pulls us apart.

"Chill out will you guys? You don't want to get blood on your bride's wedding dress."

Sapnap grumbles and throws the tie at George.

We all stand and take our places.
Punz straightens his tie.
The guests begin to fill the seats. I see Techno and Phil take the seats in the front row.

I thought Phil was going to walk her down the aisle. Who's going to then?

The music starts and the bridesmaids walk down the aisle holding bouquets of white tulips.

I see Wilbur quietly slip into place beside Phil.

Hannah is smiling, Niki, looks nervous, and Puffy looks on with a bright, happy smile.
They sit down in the front as the music grows softer.

My palms begin to sweat, I feel giddy with excitement.

I hope I remember my vows.

The crowd stands up as the bride makes her entrance.

Sapnap and George gasp and even Punz looks on in awe.

Y/N is led down the aisle by Sam, she holds his arm gently, smiling nervously.

(Describe your dress in any way you want. Color, length, design, jewelry, etc)

Y/N reaches the altar and stands in front of me. I grasp her hands in mine and she makes a face at me the minute her hands touch my wet hands.

Punz begins to read but I'm not listening one bit. I look deep into her eyes, only minutes away from being my wife and becoming Queen of the Smp. I smile, this is more than I could have ever wanted.

"Dream would you like to say your vows?" Punz asks snapping me out of my trance.

"Uhm yeah"

My mind's gone blank.
I've completely forgotten what I wrote down.

I'll say it from the heart.

"Y/N," I look into her eyes with passion, love, and happiness.

"For the longest time, I believed that love was not important. That power and control were the only things worth going after in this world. Chasing that led to my near-breaking point. I fell into a hole, so deep that I couldn't climb out. No one was willing to give me a second chance, except you. When I first met you, I felt a connection but I wasn't willing to embrace it just yet. I feared that if you and I grew close, you could betray me and break my heart. I tried to keep my distance but it didn't work. We grew closer and closer as time moved on. You were always there for me, and I'll always be there for you. Nothing will tear us apart, not distance, not death, we will be together forever in my heart."

A tear falls and I wipe it away, partially remembering her life leaving in my arms.

"Okay and Y/N?" Punz asks but he's crying slightly too.

"Dream," she starts looking at me with nothing but adoration in her Y/E/C eyes.

"I heard stories about you, the ones where you were the villain. I believed some but not all. I decided to see for myself. When I visited you for the first time, I felt we belonged together. I wasn't ready yet so I decided to stay as your friend. After some questionable methods,—"

Sam laughs knowing what she meant but Bad shushes him angrily.

"I finally was able to be with you. We stuck together through it all. I helped you see a better side and you showed me that sometimes people are not what they seem. I hope we can spend our lives with each other, peaceful and happy."

Punz is practically sobbing and Sapnap pats him on the shoulder.

"C'mon man," he says with a teasing smirk. "Wed them."

Punz nods and straightens up.

"Dream—" he stops and coughs before continuing. "Do you take— Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I smile. I've waited for those words to be said for a while.

"I do."

"And—Y/N, do you take Dream— to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She smiles and looks at me.

I don't, she says in my head.


"I do," she says with a bright smile.

"I present to you, King Dream and Queen Y/N of the Smp! You may now kiss the bride!"

At his words, I pull her in for the best kiss of our lives.

What do you mean you don't?

It was very funny, seeing the shock and hurt on your face.

Fuck you.

She laughs. I love you Dream, more than you could ever know.

I love you way more than that my dear.

The crowd cheers as we make our way down the aisle, throwing flowers.

Y/N pauses and holds out the bouquet. The bridesmaids rush in front as Y/N turns around and prepares to throw.

The bouquet sails through the air and the girls reach up to catch it but someone else catches it first.

A boy in a multicolored hoodie stands there holding the bouquet.

"Uhhh," he laughs and looks down, his face bright red with embarrassment.

The crowd erupts into laughs and cheers. As they turn away, I see Sapnap pull Karl into a long kiss.

I smile as Y/N and I descend the steps of the Prime Church.

We walk towards the village with the crowd following in our wake.

"Let's get this party started!"


1,097 words

You get one more chapter of the wedding party and an epilogue.

My next story will be another Dream x Reader Fanfic.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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