54. Healing

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Art by @AltruistGhost on Twitter

Dream POV

I wake up to sunlight streaming on my face. I shiver at the cold air and snuggle farther under the blankets.

"Dream, you're awake," Y/N says.

I turn towards her voice. It's coming from the balcony. She walks over to me and sits on the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," I mumble and laugh which turns into a cough.

"Well, I know why, if you're ready to hear?"

I nod.

"Okay, so I told the kingdom about what happened. They'll be keeping an eye out for Tubbo, Fundy, and Jack. Tommy's in the dungeon and Wilbur I let go because he helped us. He betrayed them by leaving us a note on what happened, left a signal so we could find you at first in the cave, and detonated more TNT to make sure they couldn't follow us."

"Wait Wilbur helped?"

"Yeah, he said it was because you revived him and that he thinks that you deserve to be king."

"Okay so about my condition..."

"Oh right, Callahan was asking why all your surface wounds were gone while you were still in pain internally. I obviously didn't tell him I used water healing to help you so I said I have you two healing potions and it somehow healed you. He bought it and he concluded that all the damage is internal."

She pauses for a second letting me take it in.

"I'm listening," I say. "Tell me how bad it is."

"Two broken ribs, damage to your stomach, fractured nose, and a sprained wrist."

"So not that bad?" I say with a smirk.

Y/N laughs and leans over brushing a kiss on my head.

"Yes, now that Callahan is gone, and you're awake, I can use magic to heal you much faster."

"How?" I ask as she gets up and comes back with two potions of healing, a large bowl of water, and another bucket of water.

"I'm going to mix the healing potions with the water and slowly guide it through your body."

"Will it hurt?" I ask.

"Probably, but just let me know so I can pull the water out quickly. It has to go in slowly but I can pull it out in a heartbeat."


Y/N sets the bowl down on her side of the bed and sits next to me. She mixes one healing potion into the water and leaves the bucket and the other potion on the nightstand.

She reaches her hands towards the bowl so they just skim the surface. The water, now a bright red color, glows brightly. Her hands reach and pull out a small, fist-sized ball of water and leave it levitating in the air.

She lifts off my hoodie and shirt to reveal my bare chest.

"Like what you see?" I ask smirking.

"Dream, joke about this later. Don't break my concentration," she says her eyes closed as she guides the ball of healing water over my head.

"Okay, so I need you to open your mouth so I can pass the mixture through. I'm avoiding your lungs and I'm going up to your nose and face first. Then, down to your ribs and stomach. Remember, let me know if anything starts to hurt."

"Okay," I swallow my nerves. "I'm ready."

I watch as the glowing red water passes through my mouth. I feel a pleasant cooling sensation as it drifts upward into the back of my nose and slowly fills it with water.

"You'll feel some discomfort but hopefully not pain," she says her eyes following the red glow.

I feel the water leave my face and drift downwards to my rib cage. The same cooling feeling in my chest and then it globes to my stomach. She guides the red glow throughout my stomach and I watch her face carefully.

Her eyes are closed but her motions are fluid and slow as if she's in my body guiding the healing process.

The water begins to travel up my throat and out my mouth again.

"It's done," Y/N says throwing the water out the window.

"That was it?"

"Yeah, but you should still take it easy for the next few days."

She puts away the bucket, bowl, and potion and climbs into bed next to me.

Not able to resist any longer, I grab her a pull her on top of me.

"Dream!" she manages to brace herself over me, her hands on either side of my shoulders and her knees on the sides of my hips. "You're not fully healed yet."

"But it's been so long," I protest kissing her roughly.

"Dream," she pulls away and stares at me. "Why are you so impossible?"

I laugh and pull her towards me again. Smashing my lips against hers and slipping my tongue into her mouth, fighting for dominance. She lets me win and I pull her closer to deepen the kiss. We stay this way for a while until I eventually fall asleep and she stays in that position even when I wake.

"You haven't moved?" I ask once I'm finally awake again.

"Dream, it's only been half an hour."

"Still," I mumble still drowsy.

"I'm going downstairs to find the knights and see if they have any reports on sightings of Tubbo, Fundy, or Jack."

"Alright love," I say. "Be back tonight."

"It's like you're drunk," she laughs and walks out.

I lay in bed for a bit, contemplating what just happened.

This is the second time she's saved me. When will it be my turn to save her? I trusted Tommy, but he betrayed my trust. I'm never trusting him again. But I need revenge.
I'm getting his discs.
No matter what it takes.

As I drift off to sleep, I have the perfect plan.


988 words

Final Showdown? 👀

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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