53. Wilbur

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A chapter on Wilbur's POV of the whole situation and what he did that let him get away.

Art by @WolfyTheWitch on Twitter

Wilbur POV

Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Jack, and Fundy just showed up at my house. They're here to discuss project "Dreamcatcher". They want to kidnap Dream and get the revival book, then use him against Y/N.

They all sit at the round table in the basement while I lock the door. I join them and sit quietly, not saying a thing.

Let's go over this one more time," Tommy is saying but I'm not really involved in this so I tune him and stare at the wall.

Dream revived me. I helped him escape from prison. I owe him my life.

Dream is actually a good king. He released them instead of leaving there to rot in prison like he did. Even Quackity, who he should hate the most, who tortured him every day, he let go. He's willing to change, and let the people be free. He's not a tyrant.

I glance at the wall, remembering the day.

I heard there was a special place,
Where men could go and emancipate,
The brutality and tyranny of their rulers.

Well, this place was real, we needn't fret,
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret,
It's a very big and not blown up L'Manburg.

My L'Manburg
My L'Manburg
My L'Manburg
My L'Manburg

I created a great nation, then I blew it up.
They tried to rebuild the nation, but it crumbled to dust.
Dream created a new kingdom, where the people are happy.
He succeeded where I should have.
I should be angry, but I'm happy.
I'm happy for him.
I won't let his dream be ruined like mine was.
Especially not by these children.

How can I help though?

I was once a traitor.
I will be again.
This time in secret.

As they leave, a plan formulates in my head. I smile.

I watched the next day as Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Jack, and Fundy celebrate Dream's capture. I watch from the shadows. As they get ready to leave, I quickly write a note, hoping someone will find it.

Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, Jack, and I have taken Dream. I don't know where we're headed but Tommy and the others wish to enact revenge. I'm writing this to give you information and as a small favor to Dream after he helped me escape from limbo. Good luck finding us.

I debate whether to sign it, but decide to since it will give me a reason to say I betrayed them for Dream.


I mount the horse and join them as they ride off into the sunset.

We ride for what seems like hours before finding a cave and blocking it off. Tommy and Quackity go to torture Dream and I go walk around. I slip out of the cave and leave a small red handkerchief I stole from Tommy in a rock crevice where the blocked-off cave entrance is. I head back and find Tommy tracing Dream lightly with the sword.

Fuck you, Tommy.
What will dad think of this?

"Dream!" I hear Punz yell.

I whip around and see him collapsing the cave entrance, where I placed the handkerchief.

The rest of the knights soon enter and we flee with Dream.

After a lot of chasing, running, and distractions, we finally dig underground and conceal ourselves in a small hole.

I hear Y/N talking about a bell that keeps jingling. It gets closer and closer to us. All of them watch the ceiling while I stay back in the corner. Dream's face is hopeful and concentrates as he stares at the ceiling and listens to the jingling. The bell stops jingling once it reaches just above Dream's head. She unties the bell and leaves.

Silence passes, Dream makes a move to escape but Quackity slaps him across the face. Tommy kicks him making Dream let out a muffled scream.

The knights question the noise but brush it off and keep looking, or so we thought.

They suddenly drop down, digging through the hole, and attack. George pushes me and tries to attack but I stop him, leading him away from the battle.

"George listen," I whisper.

"What?" He asks impatiently still wanting to stab me with his sword.

"I've been helping you the whole time. I left a red handkerchief of Tommy's to mark the cave so you could find us. I left a note telling Y/N what happened so she knew to come after us."

"Why are you betraying them then?" George asks still suspicious.

"I believe that Dream is a good king, and Tommy is going to ruin it again. I'm not letting him."

We watch TNT fall into the hole.

"George go," I whisper.

George climbs out and I fumble in my pocket for a matchbox.

One single match.

A flaming arrow is shot which ignites the TNT, deepening the hole.

I reach into my coat pocket, pulling out a few more stacks of TNT.

Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, and Fundy lay on the ground of the hole, burned and injured. I place the TNT down.

"Wil what are you doing?" Tommy asks.

"Once a traitor, always a traitor Tommy!" I say with a smirk as I strike the single match and hold it above the TNT. I see their eyes widen.

"Dream being king, it was meant to be."

This time, no tears are falling. I drop the flaming match.

The TNT detonates.

I run behind the wall just as it explodes.

I scramble out as quickly as possible and grab my horse. I ride back to the castle just in time to see George.

"George!" I say to him.

"Wilbur!" he smiles back.



I clean up the broken glass and turned over furniture as I finish telling Phil and Techno the story.

"You did the right thing Wil," Phil says clapping his hand on my shoulder.

"I feel like this won't be the end," I say. "There will be one final match between Dream and Tommy, but I feel they will both lose."


1,042 words

Hmmm, could Wil be right?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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