42. I Told You

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Dream POV

The mob of skeletons closed around Y/N as I fled.

I didn't do anything to stop them.

Sure she's magical but she still can't fight all of them off on her own.

Once I escape, I'll revive her.

I feel something lifted to my lips. A glass vile.

I get up and shove it forcefully away.

My eyes flash open and are immediately met with stinging bright lights. I fall back and close my eyes again.

"Dream," Y/N whispers. "It's okay, you're safe."

"Y/N?" I ask.

"Yeah it's me," she wipes the blonde hair from my face and tilts the vile to my lips again. Her hand slips into mine and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"Drink this, it's a regeneration potion."

I swallow the sweet liquid and take a shaky breath.

"How did you escape?" I ask.

"Shh Dream, I'll tell you what happened when you're stronger. First, you need to get some sleep."

I lay down on my back and close my eyes.

"Stay," I plead.

I feel the warmth of her body against mine. Her hand strokes my soft blonde hair and I hear her whispering in my ear as I drift off to sleep.

I wake again and this time it's dark. I glance out the window and see a dark sky with twinkling stars.

Night already? How long did I sleep?

I'm lying on Y/N. My head resting on her stomach and my arms wrapped around her. Her left hand is on my back while her right hand rests under my chin.

I glance up and find her Y/E/C eyes staring calmly into mine.

"Slept well?" she asks.

"Yeah," I mumble and snuggle farther into her warmth.

She laughs and pulls me closer and shifts so she's lying on her side with my head on her chest. She rests her chin on my head and we stay there for a while.

"Y/N?" I ask.


"What happened? How did you even find us?"

"Hmmm let's see," she begins. "I knew that something would go wrong so I tried teleporting to the castle but ended up teleporting to a forest 5,000 blocks away. I continued on foot and when I finally reached the castle, I found out you were gone. I checked the crystal ball and saw you get taken by skeletons. I grabbed tons of healing potions and a skeleton head. I snuck in by pretending to be a skeleton guard with your netherite armor. I saw you guys in the cells and made some noise to get rid of the guards. They came towards me and I splashed healing potions at them, killing them and allowing me to get your armor back."

"So that's why I heard glass smashing," I mutter.

"Yes," she tilts my face to meet hers, kissing my forehead gently.

"Anyways, I planned to free you but I watched more guards take you away. I followed you and watched from a tree. I watched you get shot repeatedly and I got ready to shoot the Skeleton King. I shot him and now his head is on our wall."

"What?" I ask and sure enough, the white skull and crown hang from one of the walls. Creepy.

"I splashed healing potions on you to combat the harming arrows and started throwing potions into the crowd. I gave you your armor and asked you to run. You hesitated but I knew that I could beat them, I had fire. After you left, I blasted them with everything I had and set the castle on fire. I followed you and the knights into the forest, killing any skeletons I found. I watched you get shot and I killed the skeleton. I dragged you to a stream where I used water healing to try and heal you enough so I could teleport. This time though, I did it right and brought both of us to the bedroom. I healed you to the best of my abilities but I didn't want to overdo it with the potions."

She stops and lets me take this all in.

"What happened to the rest of them? Sapnap, Punz, Bad, Sam, and HBomb?" I ask.

"They arrived shortly after I did, Callahan healed them and they're probably still resting."

"Mmm okay."

I rest my head against her and breathe deeply.

"Dream," she says and I glance up at her.


"I told you so."

"Fuck off!" I laugh pushing her lightly.

"I did tell you did I not? I said there might be huge numbers and to be careful. And I had to come in and save you," she laughs.

"Okay I'm sorry, I didn't listen to my princess. She came and saved the day. She's my princess in shining armor," I say sarcastically.

Y/N laughs and cups my face.

"I love you so much," she whispers.

"I love you more," I say and kiss her.

After a few minutes, she pulls away.

"I'm going downstairs to get you some food, don't do anything stupid."

"I won't," I laugh as she closes the door.

I lie on my back and gaze at the skeleton head.

They were preparing for war. We got rid of them for now. How could this affect the rest of the citizens? I really should be more careful. Y/N won't always be there to save the day.


938 words

I have two ways to write the story, do you want more intimacy between Y/N and Dream or more action? Let me know!

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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