52. Enemy

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Art by @ezzriin on Reddit

This was written a day after Tommy's Me, Myself, and I lip-syncing clip was shared on YouTube.

To future readers:

How has the clip aged?

Is it the new Jump in the Cadillac or has it gone unnoticed?

Has Tommy made a video "explaining" it?

Is it getting played on every media share stream there is?

In your opinion, is it better than the Jump in the Cadillac meme?

How long has it lasted?

Okay now on to the story!

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Tommy comes closer and Spirit backs away slightly.

"Dream," he smirks with a maddening look in his eyes. "Your girlfriend can't always save you."

As he comes closer, Dream grips his dagger tightly as Spirit continues backing up.

Tommy reaches them and stands in front of the horse.

"I'll end you Dream," he whispers, his voice full of menace. "I should have done it a long time ago when I had the chance."

As he raises his sword, Spirit rears onto her back legs and her front hooves connect with Tommy's face. He falls backward with a yelp, the sword falling from his hands clutching his face. Blood runs down a gash on his forehead.

A second later, Dream's dagger plunges into his right shoulder.

Another spurt of blood sprays onto the grass.

"You shouldn't have done that," he spits out and advances.

Dream braces for another attack as Tommy picks up his sword with his left hand.

I blur of purple rushes by and slams Tommy to the ground.


Y/N pushes Tommy to the floor, his sword bounces off her armor and she stabs at him several times.

Her eyes scan him for any injuries that she can use to her advantage.

Dream's dagger in his—

Her fist connects with the handle of the dagger, still prodding from his shoulder, and pushes it in farther. He gasps out in pain and tries to push back but another punch sends the blade in deeper.

Dream grabs a length of rope from a bag and throws it at her.

She ties his wrists behind him and his ankles together. Tying him to Spirit and climbing on settling Dream on her lap. She also ties two large cows to Spirit so they can be dragged behind.

"Good girl," she whispers to Spirit patting her head.

Spirit tosses her head and snorts.

"You okay?" she asks Dream.

"Yeah, now that you're here," he says.

They take off riding and it's only a few minutes before they reach camp.

The knights are already awake, they spot her riding in and they wave but soon draw their weapons when they see Tommy.

"Tommy," Sapnap growls clutching his axe so hard his knuckles turn white.

Y/N gets off and gestures toward Punz saying something. He nods and runs to his horse, returning with shackles.

"Here's your water," she throws the canteens in a pile on the grass and the knights pick up theirs, tensions still high.

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