50. Together Again

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Art by @Riartz_ on Twitter

Dream POV

I felt the wind in my hair. The sound of horse hooves galloping. Laying there for a few minutes playing back what I could remember.

Y/N and the knights finally found me. They attacked. She pulled me out of the hole and Quackity ran off with me. That means I'm with Quackity right now.

I'll give him what he deserves.

I try to punch them in the face but my arm can barely move and I end up groaning in pain. I look up and the figure finally comes into focus.

Warm Y/E/C eyes and Y/H/C hair.

"Y/N?" I ask in barely a whisper.

"Dream," she smiles and tucks her hand under my chin forcing it up to meet her gaze.

Our lips touch again in what seems like forever.

"You got me back," I say.

"Yes, I chased Quackity down and killed him."

I realize she stopped the horse and is just sitting there with me. A rope wraps around my waist which keeps me attached to the horse. I'm leaning on
Y/N's left shoulder and her arm is around my back to keep me supported. My legs dangle off the right side of the horse.

"Dream!" Sapnap and George yell together.

They both ride up so their horses are on either side and both lean in to hug me. It's a very awkward position but I don't care.

They pull away as the rest of the knights catch up.

"Dream's awake!" Bad yells and the rest of them cheer.

Y/N smiles and glances at them.

"It's 5:00 pm right now. We'll continue riding until 9:00 pm and then we'll make camp. Tomorrow morning I'll go looking for food and water. At 7:30 am tomorrow, we should be back riding towards the kingdom. We should be back at the castle at around 1:30 pm tomorrow."

The knights nod and she flicks the reins and gallops off. The knights follow.

"Y/N?" I ask after a few minutes of silent riding.


"Why do I feel so tired?"

She laughs. "You haven't eaten in like 3 days."

"3 days?"

"Yeah, we chased you for about 3 days, today is number 4"


"Hey wait, I have something that could help."

She teaches down on the right side of the horse and pulls out a small brown satchel.
She drapes it over my neck and returns her hands to the reins.

I open the pouch and find the reddish pink berries.

"Sweet berries!"

"Mhm," her eyes were still on the horizon.

I cram mouthful after mouthful of berries in my mouth. Crushing the sweet berries against the roof of my mouth. I feel the energy slowly returning to my body.

I close the pouch and lay against her again quickly falling asleep.

I wake again and find us still riding across the grassy plains but the sky is darkening fast.


"Yeah?" Her eyes were still focused on the path ahead.

"Do you have water?"

"In the canteen hanging from Spirit, not sure how much is left though. We'll find a source of water tomorrow morning."

I reach for the canteen and screw off the cap. It's about a third full. I drink it all and replace the cap. Leaning back against Y/N, I feel her hand stroke my hair softly.

"We'll get you home," she whispers as I drift off yet again.

I wake up again and this time we're in the middle of the plains however all the horses are set up in a circle. All the horses are tied to the ground and the knights are mulling around inside the circle talking. Ant and Skeppy are on horses talking. I try to get off the horse but nearly fall due to the rope still being attached. Y/N notices and breaks away from her conversation with George to help me.

"Woah, careful," she says undoing the knot and helping me down.

I lean against her as we walk and plops me down on the grass.

"It's dark," Y/N says to the knights. "Get a good enough night's sleep and be awake tomorrow morning."

They all lay on the ground and fall asleep.

"Nice to have you back," George says moving closer to me and pulling me into a hug. Sapnap joins us and we fall asleep hugging under the stars.

I wake from a nightmare that I can't remember. George and Sapnap have separated and are sleeping curled up on their own.

I feel a chilly wind blow, chilling me to the bone.

I squint in the dark and find Y/N sleeping in the center.


I shake her gently.


"What Dream?" She mumbles rolling over.

"I'm cold."

"Thought you were sleeping with Sapnap and George," she says with a smile and pulls me against her chest.

"They're not as hot as you," I say, immediately wishing I'd thought that sentence through.

"Hmmm as is body temperature or physical description?" she asks, a smirk finding its way onto her face

"Uhhhh—" I can feel the blush spread across my cheeks.

"Even in the dark I can feel you blushing," she laughs.

I snuggle closer until my back pressed against
Y/N's chest. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight. She angles her body so it shields me from the wind. I missed her touch.

"I love you Dream."

"I love you more," I say.


958 words

Ahhh I have to finish this story quickly because I have an idea for another Dream x Reader Fan-Fic!

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

̷U̷n̷b̷r̷e̷a̷k̷a̷b̷l̷e ̷L̷o̷v̷e - Dream x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ