17. Return to the Smp

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"No I can't," Dream cries.

"Why not?" Y/N asks.

"I feel like people will recognize me and try to hurt me."

"You'll stay hidden," she reassures him. "You can even use invisibility potions if that makes you feel more safe."

Dream hesitates.

"Don't you want to walk around the Smp after so long of being locked away? I didn't help you escape just to stick you in an underground base and hide you."

"I guess."

"Then lets go," she says.

They take any weapons, tools, potions, and any gear they'll need. Y/N hands Dream something wrapped in paper.

"Sandwiches for lunch," she explains. "Ready to go?"

Dream nods.

They leave the base through a secret exit in the wall behind a chest. After popping out in the bright sunshine, they walk through the clearing until they get to the nether portal. Traveling through the nether, they reach the main portal.

"Let me go first," Y/N says. "To make sure no one's around."

She disappears through the portal and he sits on the other side and waits. Minutes pass. Finally her head appears through the portal.


Dream nods and hops through the portal as well.

Everything is so familiar. The wooden pathways, the old buildings, bamboo, the four routes connected to the old community house. I destroyed it... To frame Tommy and solve conflict. But I worked so hard on it... with Sapnap and George, my best friends...

"Cmon," Y/N says. "Let's get to my house so we can hide out there."

Dream follows her toward the L'Manburg crater until they reach a small wooden house by the edge of it.

"Wow it's really close to L'Manburg," Dream says. "Did you get hit with any of the TNT?"

"I hadn't built my house here yet. I just watched the three of you destroy L'Manburg. I wasn't going to fight for a nation that I wasn't part of and that had failed many times," Y/N says. Her eyes stay focused in front of them but occasionally dart back and forth, scanning the area.

She sighs. "I actually helped Techno with breeding the wolves and farming wither skulls."

"Why?" Dream asks.

"I didn't believe that L'Manburg could become what's it was imagined to be. I watched it corrupt people and I didn't want to see that happen again. After it was destroyed the first time, I gave it a second chance but it only got worse. I realized that L'Manburg really wasn't meant to be."

Dream stares off into the distance for a bit.

"Anyways, let's go inside," she says and opens the door.

He follows her inside and looks around. Simple wood and stone walls, some double chests, a white bed in the corner. Nothing out of the ordinary. Dream shifts through the chests' contents. Cobblestone, seeds, sticks, and wool, nothing of much value.

"You can see why I don't really care about this place." Y/N turns around in a slow circle. "It's just property I own here but I just use it to make excuses to come back here."

"Why don't you like to stay here?" Dream asks.

"I don't really enjoy being around people. I prefer to be alone and only interact with people I don't know very little," says Y/N.

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