29. Secret

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Dream POV

It's late when we get back to the castle. Bad and Ant at the gate let us in while Callahan takes our horses to the stable. Once we get to the bedroom, I flop onto the bed with a sigh.

"Ugh come on!" Y/N says tugging at me. "At least change first."


I take off my armor, throwing it onto the floor. I toss my belt and gear along with it. I take off my hoodie, socks, and faceplant into the pillow. I hear her collecting my things and I start to doze off.

I feel her climb into bed with me and I look up at her. She's wearing a dark blue hoodie and leggings.

"Tired?" she asks.

"Yeah. It was a long ride and a shock to see Phil alive. I seriously didn't revive him."

"Okay, we'll of your tired we should sleep." Y/N climbs into bed with me.

"Yeah okay."

I turn over to face away from her and I close my eyes but my mind wanders.

How did Phil get revived? I didn't do it. Could someone else know the Revival Book? They could be a threat to me.

I drift off to sleep still thinking about today.


Is Dream asleep?

I check and feel his breathing slow and even. I get out of bed and put in my armor. I'm going to go find something before he wakes up. I scale down the walls of the castle and use my trident to travel across the ocean and into the nether. Using speed potions to travel faster until a reach my nether portal.

I run past my base and into the swamps. There sits a witch's hut. This is no ordinary witch hut. There are twelve witches here. They're guarding something important, and I want to find out what. Drinking an invisibility potion, I take a deep breath and tiptoe slowly into the hut.

My sword hits two before they even know I'm here. The witches throw potions at me frantically but I kill five more and slip behind a shelf. The seven remaining witches look around cautiously. I take a jar and roll it towards the back of the hut. 5 of them go to investigate while 2 of them stay. I run after the 5 witches and with a few quick slashes, they're all dead. The 2 witches appear and throw potions of poison. I dodge the potions and pull out my axe, decapitating both of them in one move.

I find the cauldron they were brewing with the recipe book. I open my ender chest and steal the spell books I find. I consider setting the hut on fire when I move the cauldron aside to reveal a hidden spot. I reach inside and pull out a black book with gold lettering. The pages inside are yellowing with age and but they're all blank. The cover shows a golden XD symbol.

Taking the mysterious book with me, I light the wood on fire and leave as the hut slowly burns. I stop by my base and grab anything important I'll need. I set off to the castle and arrive in half an hour. I check my watch.

Only 2 am? I have time to visit someone.

After hiding the spell books in the room behind a loose brick, I walk down to the dungeons. Punz, although on guard duty, is practically asleep.

"Punz," I say shaking him gently.

"Yeah?" he mumbled opening his eyes with a yawn.

"Aren't you supposed to switch shifts with someone soon?"

"Yeah, Sam should come by in a bit to take the rest of the shift till morning."

"I need to visit the prisoners but when I finish, I'll tell Sam to switch okay."

"Okay," he says sliding back against the wall and closing his eyes.

I walk down the dark passageways and find the 4 people I was hoping to see. All chained down by their wrists and ankles. All are asleep except for Tommy who is still pulling angrily at his shackles.

"Hello, Tommy," I say calmly.

He whirls towards me furiously and grabs onto the bars pressing his face between them.

"How did Dream survive that?!" he yells. "I trained for months to hit that exactly right and be the hero to kill the tyrant but he somehow survives and all of us get caught!"

"I had a feeling something bad was going to happen so I put pads under his suit when he was getting ready. You had good aim but the arrow couldn't pierce the netherite," I explain calmly.

"You dickhead!" Tommy yells. "He is evil and doesn't deserve to be king!"

"You're blinded by rage and hate!" I yell back. "You and Tubbo heard what he said in the nether. He's not evil, he's already trying to change the ways of the kingdom for the better. He could have killed all of you but let you live instead!"

"You just can't let go of your past anger with him. I believe that he can forgive you but you need to forgive him too. He's becoming nicer and kinder each day but forgiveness has to work on. Be patient and don't be problematic, it might increase your chances of getting out."

"Hah, like I'll ever do that," Tommy scoffs.

"Fine then stay here forever," I say and storm out.

I hear him bang on the bars in anger. I find Sam and tell him to change with Punz. Dream is still sleeping as I climb into bed with him. His arm immediately goes around me and snuggles us closer.

It's only been a little over a month and I feel like we're more than friends. Does he feel the same way about me though? I want to protect him and do whatever so can to help him on a brighter path. But I also love him. How can I tell him that?


1,020 words

Is the love going to last or will it all collapse?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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