23. The First Shot

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Dream POV

A few days pass and finally Y/N returns. I rush outside to hug her.

"Dream!" she smiles, hugging me back.

"I missed you," I whisper softly into her ear.

"I missed you too."

We walk inside and George greets us. He makes us lunch while we sit down at the table talking.

"So?" I ask.


"Are all the allies willing to fight with us?"

"Yeah," she says. "Us three, Sapnap, Punz, BadBoyHalo, Skeppy, Antfrost, Sam, Eret, HBomb, Techno, and Phil. We're fighting against Quackity but not with Snowchester. We're not allied with them but we have the same common goals. We'll just be another force weakening them"

"I kinda want to head there now," I say.


"Survey the area, see if we can set traps."

"Okay after lunch," she says.

The three of us ate lunch quickly and prepare to travel to Las Nevadas.

Unfortunately, Sapnap saw us leaving.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"To Las Nevadas to see how the war's going," I say.

"Mind if we come too?" Out of his door pops Bad, Skeppy, Ant, Sam, Punz, Eret, and HBomb

"Wait what are you doing here?" she asks, eyeing the large group behind him.

"We were having a meeting discussing strategies got the war but we haven't gotten any ideas yet," Punz explains.

"Sure you guys can come," George says.

They all disappear back inside to get their weapons.

"George why?" Y/N asks.

"Backup," he grins. "Quackity can be unpredictable."


When they all emerge, we head to Snowchester first since Las Nevadas will be pretty unwelcoming to us. Tubbo greets us but he appears stressed.

"Everything is ready," he says showing us the mass amounts of TNT. "We're going to see if they launch another attack on us, then we'll fire."

He leads us up the tower and into a tunnel. When we emerge, we are surprised to be atop the Cookie Outpost.

"We have TNT cannons lined on the walls," he says proudly. "One flip of a switch and all the cannons fire at once."

"You guys here too?" I hear someone ask.

We look down and see Techno and Phil staring at us.

"What are you doing here?" I call down to them.

"Checking out Las Nevadas and Snowchester," Techno calls. "You?"


We head down the tower and drop into Las Nevadas territory.

"It does look like an invasion when we're all here," Sapnap observes.

"That's not the poi—" I start to say but I'm cut off by Quackity yelling from the top of the casino.

"You fools!" he yells. "Fire the TNT!"

A large mass of TNT is hurled at the Cookie Outpost. It strikes the walls and does massive damage. Tubbo angrily storms out onto the land. Quackity gets down from the casino and faces Tubbo.

"Tubbo!" he yells. "I was right. Foolish shouldn't have trusted you and let you into Las Nevadas!"

"You fired the first shot! Then you fired a second one! I have full right to attack!" Tubbo shoots back.

He turns to the tower.


TNT shoots from the walls and rains down on Las Nevadas severely damaging the terrain.

Both of them run back to their bases.

"Should we just attack?" Sapnap asks.

"Yes," I nod. "Go ahead but be careful."

They charge at Las Nevadas and I follow. I see Y/N talking with Techno and Phil but I follow the others anyways.


Your POV

"Techno, Phil what are you going to do?" I ask.

"Spawn withers," Techno says. "Lots of them."

"Just like what happened to L'Manburg," Phil adds.

"We need to destroy Las Nevadas," Techno says. "My revenge on Quackity."

I nod at him.

"Go for it," I say with a smile.

I run off and find Dream and Team Chaos who are slowly destroying Las Nevadas.

"Change of plans," I say. "Destroy Las Nevadas on your way to Quackity."

They cheer and run off lighting TNT.

"You sure about this?" Dream asks.

His fingers grasp my neck and brushes his lips against mine.

"No, but we have nothing to lose."

"True," he says with a smile. "Shall we?"

We both run into the casino setting it on fire. He breaks off from me and joins Sapnap in burning the Eiffel Tower.

I spot Foolish lurking around one of the corners. I run over to him, sword in hand but he jumps back defensively.

"I'm done with Quackity," he says. "I'm going to blow this whole country up if he doesn't start running it right. He started this war, and I'm going to end it."

"Want help?" I ask.

"Yeah, follow me," he says.

Foolish leads me to an underground tunnel. Shifting through some chests for a minute, he hands me 5 stacks of TNT.

"Fill the tunnels with the TNT. Hurry the withers Technos placing will set this off quickly."

I fill the tunnels quickly and run back to Foolish.

"We're done here thank you," he smiles.

"No problem," I say. "We're all trying to take down Quackity."

"I'm going to place TNT on the surface and inside the buildings."

"Good luck," I say.

"You too," he says before disappearing through another tunnel.

I climb out and find wither skulls and TNT raining from the sky. Snowchester is launching TNT from the walls and Las Nevadas is using the hotel as a place to mount the cannons. Dream and the allies are on the ground fighting their way into the hotel. Techno and Phil continue to spawn withers. Ranboo watches nervously from the wall as Tubbo orders another round of TNT.

A blast of TNT comes from Las Nevadas but they miscalculated and the TNT is launched much farther than the outpost. Across the huge lake we crossed to get here from Kinoko Kingdom. The TNT lands and we hear explosions followed by screams.

"Karl! Kinoko Kingdom!" Sapnap yells.

"Oh no," I watch as the TNT explodes, sending a shower of soot and ash into the air.


1,016 words

Uh oh...

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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