7. The Far North

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

Techno shifts items in his chests. He inspects the blueprints he found on the mountain. Dream wasn't kidding, the prison was really complex and detailed. He and Phil couldn't do this alone but who could they trust?

Dream, what did you get me into?

"Uh Techno?" Phil asks from the doorway.

"What is it Phil?" Techno asks turning around and placing the blue prints back.

"We have a visitor."


"Come out and meet them."

Techno pushes past Phil and walks outside. There stands Y/N glimmering in purple netherite.

"Oh hello Techno. Nice to see you out of prison," she says.

"What do you want?" Techno asks.

"I want to talk to you and Phil about something important."

"Okay..." Techno says, slightly suspicious.

"Let's go," she says as she walks towards the lava pool.

She jumps straight in and Phil and Techno follow. After traveling for a bit, they reach the Syndicate meeting room. Techno sits in the chair labeled Protesilaus, Phil sits in the chair labeled Zephyrus, and Y/N sits in the chair labeled Philotes.

"I know that you're planning to break Dream out Techno. You have the blueprints and information but you don't have enough help. I'm here to offer you that help," Y/N begins.

"How did you know?" Techno asks.

Y/N glances at Phil who nods.

"Phil told me."

"Phil?! Why?!" Techno yells, standing up.

"She asked me and I didn't want to say anything but I just told her how you were planning to get out. She figured it out in her own," Phil explains trying to remain calm.

"I also visited Dream in the prison for confirmation. I have some allies who want to break Dream out as well. We want to team up with you and work together on this mission. Dream is down for the idea and so is everyone else. I just need you two to confirm," she continues.

"I'm down to work together," Phil says.

"Who are the other allies?" Techno asks.

Should I tell them? Only Punz knows about specific allies.

"Punz, Wilbur, Skeppy, and I."

All have good motives I see. It would be useful to work with them. Phil will also get to spend time with Wilbur.

"What about Niki and Ranboo?" Techno asks. "They're also part of the Syndicate but I don't know how they'll feel about it helping Dream."

"We should hold a meeting with them," Phil suggests flipping the ender pearl stasis chambers.

Ranboo and Niki were immediately teleported confused and shocked.

"Important matters to discuss," Techno explains.

"So," Y/N says staring at both of them. "Techno owes Dream a favor and the favor is to break Dream out of prison. Other allies and myself also want to help. We're planning to team together on this mission. This does not involve the Syndicate but given your past relations with Dream, we're wondering how you feel about this."

"Well," Ranboo says. "Dream can be scary and definitely setting him free wouldn't be good but maybe if I help him he won't hate me?"

I need Ranboo to help. How can I convince him. What does he fear and hate? Peer pressure and eye contact.

She stares him in the eyes.


Her eyes find his red and green eyes.

Ranboo holds the contact for a few seconds before making a weird enderman noise and breaking away. He shakes his head and blinks a few times before turning back to look at the table.

"Yeah, I'll help," he says.

"Okay Niki?" I ask.

"I'll help," she says. "Tommy did many wrongs and was never punished for them. Helping Dream would be what Tommy deserves if his old enemy came back. So in a way, Dream would be enacting my revenge." Niki twists a lock of her pink hair around her finger staring absentminded at the glowing lava.

"Okay, we're all good with this?" Y/N asks.

They all nod.

"Just so you know, the other allies are Punz, Skeppy, Wilbur, and me," she continues. "I'll let them know that we all agree. We'll meet in Pogtopia to discuss our plan of action is 2 days."

"Alright," Techno says. "Meeting dismissed." He gets up and the others do the same.

They all leave the Syndicate room.

This will be very useful.

I believe that this is just helping Techno and more business with Dream. We have a common goal and we're only allied for now.

Will he hurt me?

I can finally get back at Tommy!

Two days, to get the word to them and visit Dream again. Hopefully nothing goes wrong.

Y/N travels through the nether and towards the main part of the Smp. She slips notes to Punz, Skeppy, and Wilbur. Each read:

We're all in for the mission. Meet in Pogtopia 2 days from now. Come alone and tell no one. Burn this after reading.


838 words

What's the plan going to be?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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