Chapter 44

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A couple Weeks Later..

"Huh" Mikasa breathed out in interest over what she was reading.

"Huh?" Levi breathed out in question as he glanced up from his paperwork to where she sat on his sofa within his office, reading the newspaper.

"Hmm" Mikasa happily hummed back.

"What are you reading?" Levi finally asked, placing the document down in his completed pile and stealing another glance towards her before picking up the next bit of paperwork needing his acceptance over.  

"The religious page of the newspaper" Mikasa answered casually like it wasn't that much of a bid deal. 

"Why are you reading the religious page?" Levi asked with a judgmental look, lowering the big of paper he was reading and just staring at her like she just spilled his cup of tea. 

"It gives you a lot of information over the wall lovers plans for the week. Says where they'll stand to sing or preach and I use such intel to avoid them like the plague" Mikasa explained her reasoning and shuffling a little on the sofa, pulling her leg up. 

"Damn, why didn't I think of that? Are they gonna be near my tea shop on Saturday?" Levi mumbled back, not believing he didn't think over such a great tactic before. He would have skipped dealing with walls lovers everyday. Deciding to ask if they'd be near his teashop since he had to go out and buy some more tea leafs at the weekend. 

"Nope, that area was done last week. This week they'd be close to Petra father house area and where Jean mama lives. They're near the centre of the towns, thankfully for us" Mikasa answered with ease and warning him over the areas to avoid instead. 

"Do you always check for their plans over the week?" Levi asked, raising an questionable eyebrow towards. Wondering just how much time she wasted on the religion page just to avoid them all. 

"Of course. Even if I don't have leave planned. I always check so if I'm sent on a mission in town or something than I could still avoid them. I'll also try to be in the area three hours before they plan to be or two hours after they've been" Mikasa  mumbled back with a light shrug, her eyes reading a different article in the newspaper while Levi went back to reading his paperwork. 

"Why the time difference?" Levi asked without much thought, getting distracted with his work but rather content to keep the conversation flowing. 

"Because they always arrive earlier than said and they always stay an extra hour. It's like they trick anyone else who tries hiding away from them" Mikasa replied, not minding over warning him over the tricks used by the wall lovers. She wouldn't wish such torture over being cornered by the wall lovers by anyone. 

"You don't want to hear them preach over the walls?" Levi asked with a sly smirk, poking his eyes over the to top of the paper and looking at her amused. 

"As much as you'd love to be stuck listening to them too" Mikasa shot back with her own evil smirk. 

"Cute. So, what had you so fascinated before?" Levi huffed back as he rolled his eyes before getting back to what had caught her attention first over the religion page. 

"Sons are seen as a blessing due to so many families needing heirs back in the day. Well, some still prefer sons over daughters. And it seems that many use to pray for a son over a daughter" Mikasa muttered back lazily as she started to curl up on the sofa a little, making herself even more comfortable on his sofa without any care. 

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