Chapter 41

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I have made a small, semi mistake. 

When I started this book, I did research into both Hanji and Mike squads since they'd be apart of Mikasa healing and part of her life. Some members more than other's, of course. 

But I was re-looking into them and I noticed a mistake made by me. 

Harold, no one is called Harold in Hanji squad. 

There's an unnamed member in her squad who I've been acting over who Harold was. I didn't even know the guy didn't have a name, I thought his name was Harold.

Hence, I've been calling the dude Harold.

But there isn't a guy named Harold in her squad and the soldier is left nameless in the anime/manga. 

So, I apologies for that mistake and mix up. I really don't know where the name Harold has came from or why I've been calling the nameless solder as Harold. 

But, since the soldier is still a part of Hanji squad and is part of the story. I'm going to carry on using him and well, I'll stay using the name "Harold" for him. I think it's a bit too late to suddenly give him a new name and make one up for him after calling him as Harold all this time. 

I just wanted to be open over my mistake and point it out since I've only just learnt about it a few minutes again while writing up this chapter. I didn't want anyone else thinking the dude was called Harold and find out he doesn't exist like I just found out. 

But, I think Harold suits him now and I'll carry on calling him as such during this story. 

Sorry for this..





The night of the expedition had came and all soldiers were in the mess hall enjoying themselves. Beer and ale was left out for them all to drunk until they dropped while a few other drink options were left out for those who didn't want alcohol. Carla fresh homemade lemonade, of course she was paid for them even when she was offering to do such a job for free. Both Levi and Mikasa used their stubborn sides to pay the older women for her lemonade since she did make enough for the whole of the camp in a single day. The other two options was orange squash, made by Armin, Christa, Jean and Marco who volunteered to make such a huge amount for everyone. The last option was water for those who didn't like lemonade or orange squash, they'd be stuck with nothing but water for tonight. 

For now, music was being played by a hired entertainers. All standing on the makeshift stage pushed at the back, playing their instruments with a playful tone to get most dancing happily together.  

All dressed out of uniform and just enjoying the night as if it was their last. Of course, drunken promises made between friends to survive long enough to reach the next pre-expedition party together. 

Of course Captain Rory Barns had joined them, keeping an eye on them still and seeing how all the soldiers acted during the private celebration on camp. He took in account over the handful of soldiers that stood on watch around the camp, the few squads that'd be left to protect and keep on the camp taking turns over the shifts. He patrol round, making sure they were doing their sentry duties correct and wasn't lazing about thinking no one would check on them but they new better. If they were assigned to the expedition, than they'd be put on sentry duties instead. Three shifts created, one that start at night before the second would take over from early hours to lunch. The third shift taking from lunch to late evening before it reported all over again. 

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