Chapter 34

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Everyone wants to rule the world but no one truly wants to save it. 

"Jean" Mikasa greeted with a raised eyebrow as he slowed his horse to ride closer to her. 

"Yeah?" Jean shakily smiled, glancing towards Armin who was riding on the opposite side of Mikasa and Reiner who was riding behind. Both males in ear shot to Mikasa and now him. 

"You're in the wrong position" Mikasa stated as she glanced to him, noticing him just staring at her blankly for a moment. 

"Huh?" Jean yelp out in panic and quickly fiddling with his horses reins to distract himself from his panic. 

"She's right, dude. Your meant to be way over there" Reiner replied with a straight face as everyone in Dieter Ness squad had to learn their comrades positions as much as their own. 

"Oh crap" Jean cursed out in horror as he would have remembered if Mikasa was stationed near them in the rear at the time.

"How did you not notice your way out?" Armin asked as if he was staring towards an idiot since they were rather far from their last starting point as a squad. 

"I was following the flares and well, I bumped into a small squad that told me to move a little more in this direction to adviod a few titans being taken care off by Captain Mike squad and well, I saw you guys. I thought maybe everyone was being pushed togehter or something" Jean blurted out all at once and showing how he ended up bumping into Mikasa when he was still meant to be a solo spotter. 

"You sound like an idiot" Armin commented with an apologetic look as Jean only lowered his head more. 

"But he might be right, it's not uncommon for single soldiers to be huddled toghter at some point during an expidition if we're lost a certain amount of soldiers early on. Plus, if we're struggling in certain directions than we group up makeshift squads to take care of a few stray titans that's wiped out other squads" Mikasa calmly replied as she's seen this happen many times before with fresh cadets who weren't use to the grounds or how an expedition carried on when things didn't always go to plan. They were still rule following and only knowing the basics meaning they'd just follow the flow of other soldiers around them. 

"Yeah, I'm not liking the sound of grouping up very much" Armin admitted with a fearful look as he looked to his childhood friend who have an apologetic nod in return. 

"I guess we're all strays for now. I've got no clue where squad leader Ness is anymore. He told us to spread out and do our duties as spotters" Reiner sighed as he glanced over his shoulder, still feeling a little bit jumpy after that single Titan had pop up from no where near the start of the expedition. 

"He should still be in the rear along with Squad leader Dirk and Squad leader Walbrunn should be with their squads. In truth, all three of you are somehow in the middle, in the eat side. It's a bit bumpy over here since we've had a few groupings of titans this side" Mikasa replied, her voice empty of any real emotions and she sounded more robotic than human but the other three still gave her their full attention as she talked. 

"I'm just glad that i'm not the only one in the wrong position. But are we safe here? I mean this is our first expedition and you've made this area sound rather titan filled" Jean mumbled out in relief as he wasn't sure what he'd do if he was the only one to mess up on his first expedition. He was feeling rather lucky that most of his squad seemed to having the same problem as him. 

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