Chapter 21

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Time Skip: One Year Later...

"I don't want to wake up in five years and hate my life" Mikasa sighed from where she stood by the training woods, tightening her thigh straps.

"That's unavoidable" Levi simply replied without a single thought over his reply towards the fourteen year old girl. 

"Levi!" Mike scolded with a disapproving look. 

"Tell me I'm wrong?" Levi asked with a raised eyebrow, begging for Mike to disagree over it. 

"Okay, we're coming back to this topic in five years" Hanji quickly perked up instead, clapping her hands together to end any bickering before it could start. 

"Why are you all here with me anyway, it's only a small training test. I've done this sort of training before, the only difference is testing my skills and just scoring me over it all" Mikasa spoke up, a tight line on her lips as she stared at the three captains who brought themselves along without her content. 

"It's not just a "small training test", it's scoring you to see if you're safe enough to bring on expeditions. You're only fourteen and a half, way too young to be going outside those walls and to even think over going on an expedition. I don't agree with this" Levi snapped back, a clear displeased look in his eyes as he looked to the girl, his arms tightly crossed over his chest.

"I won't be going outside the walls until after my fifteen birthday, Erwin agreed over that much. I had to wait the age until an normal training cadet could pass as a soldier than he'd make me a full fledge soldier under him like he did for you all those years ago. I want to join up, I just have to proof that skipping the training corps didn't falter my skills at all. I'll be doing many more of these tests once it's my birthday and depending on the scores depending on my future here. These are just practice tests to prepare what the real ones will be like and I don't remember having to gain any form of consent by you to become a soldier" Mikasa argued back, placing her hands on her hips and making direct eye contact with Levi, a small fire lit within her own eyes. 

"We're just here to cheer you on and we're also worried for you. Don't forget you're like our own little sister now, we just want to be here for you. Today is a rather important day, you'll start working towards your placement with the survey corps after all" Hanji smiled sweetly as she left her arms dangling by her side.

"Fine, then you can stay but make sure Levi doesn't mess with my scores or tries to make me fail. I've chosen this, I'll be dammed to regret it later" Mikasa huffed back, glancing towards the other captains who nodded in understanding. 

"We'll keep him in our lines of sight at all times and out of the woods while your being tested. Good luck" Mike answered, placing a hand on Levi shoulder to prove he'd keep the shorter captain in check. 

"Thanks. Well, I better head over, Luke seems ready to start. See you all in an hour, hopefully with some good news" 

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Your born with real instincts and ungodly talents. You'll be standing with your own cape fluttering in the window by the time your fifteen" Levi spoke up, his voice gentle but honest as he gave Mikasa a believing look over her.

Mikasa gave a small but true smile, nodding her head happily before jogging off towards Luke who stood ready to start the stopwatch and to test her skills. The three captains watched as Luke spoke to Mikasa, going over rules or how the test was lay out before she was flying off into the woods with her odm gear with Luke following along behind her. 

"Erwin won't put her in too much danger, he's learned to care for her as an uncle. He just knows that he can't treat her as a child forever, both Eren and Armin will be joining the survey corps next year once they've passed their training corps days and Mikasa will have full rights to be a soldier too. You've admitted that Shadis would pass her as a solder when he passes the rest of the 104th, you'll hold no power in stopping her from officially joining up. At least this way, Erwin has a bit control over her life as a soldier and know we could ease her on expeditions a little better. This way we can teach her how to survive outside the walls, how to protect herself and stay alive instead of her being stuck clueless like the rest. She'll be a good soldier, a happy one" Hanji spoke the unasked thoughts hovering over them all. A slight frown on her lips as she knew why Levi was unhappy, all of them weren't pleased to hear that Erwin offered her a placement once she turns fifteen but they all knew what would happen if he didn't. Mikasa would soon have the passing permission of a soldier in less than a full year now and Erwin won't be able to stop her from freely signing  up with the rest of fresh recruits. 

Levi knew this as well, he knew it was the better choice offered to them all over Mikasa future but he still wasn't happy over it. 

"I know, I just .. if she signs a contract with Erwin like I did. She won't be able to leave freely, she'll be trapped serving the Survey corps as if she was a simple weapon. A tool for us to use, I don't want her to be chained down, not when I've already saved her from chains once in her life" Levi sighed, lowing his head a little as he glared towards his feet. 

"Read over the contract that's been offered to her, it's a little different from the one you've signed. She won't be used or trapped with us, she'll be more free than any of us could be" Mike smirked, a knowing look in his eyes as he stared up to the clear sky. 

"Don't tell Erwin but I think I've grown attached to that stubborn brat" Levi whispered under his breath, holding one of his hands over his face as he tilted his head up towards the sky. 

Hanji and Mike stayed silent, a grin on their lips and a knowing look in their eyes as they just shared a look over such a statement. 

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