Chapter 16

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Side Note: This chapter will be done in two parts...


Months Later...

"For my birthday?" Mikasa asked surprised as she looked into the paper bag passed over to her, a simply but pretty white dress laying folded inside. Brand new and a fancy pair of matching white shoes with it. 

Mike just nodded, watching the confusion take over the younger lady over the gift he had given her just now as they were meant to be starting their patrol around the camp. It was the only time he'd be able to pass over the gift before tonight since he knew she'd be rushing off to train and practice with the latest of new recruits, she'd been taking her training rather serious. She's got some inhuman skills, all captains and even the commander had noticed that but it's only derived them to cheer her on more as she learnt to control and use her skills into perfection. 

"But my birthday isn't until next month, well a month and a week away if you want the full truth" Mikasa reminded as she looked back to the captain in front of her, noticing him just give a friendly smile.

"That grumpy kid doesn't think much of the parties the survey corps hold before an expedition. But's its the one evening where we can dress up and have a bit of fun before the worse day of our lives come along again. The new recruits will be seeing hell in person soon and well, tonight will let them hold a little bit of innocence for the night too. But, for you .. it's the first time both Erwin and Levi has allowed you to join the fun. You need to dress up just a little bit too, Levi is always wearing some nice looking suit and it's time for you to look as pretty as a Queen too" Mike explained with a huge brother like smile and patting Mikasa hair, her pig tails swaying a little and she just hugged the bag to her chest.

"Thank you, Mike. I'll make sure to come find you later tonight. I'm rather looking forward to the party, I know I won't be allowed to drink any alcohol and I'm fine with that but I look for to the dancing. My dad use to love dancing, he wasn't the best dancer but he still loved it. We'd always dance together on chilly nights and my mother would always laugh at us or sometimes hum a happy tune for her to dance too. She wasn't much of a dancer, never liked it but she'd always save a single dance for my dad" Mikasa mumbled out as the two started walking along the path, starting their patrol once more.

"Nanaba likes a good dance, she's always looking forward to these parties just to be able to freely dance. She will always pull me or Gelgar for a slow dance when the musicians play slower songs. I don't mind a slow dance, I'm not so good at any other. But Gelgar, he likes to drink but sucks when it comes to dancing and yet, he'll always let Nanba pull him over for a dance at every party. He calls it a tradition now, a way to make one last happy memory if anything happens to the other during an expedition. It's rather sweet, they're the only family they've got now in a sense" Mike replied as he looked towards the open filed where most soldiers finished with their duties sat resting. 

Most was given today off apart from doing the simply but needed duties, everyone mostly rushing around to get it finished with before lunch so they had the afternoon to see family before getting ready for tonight party. All were talking over it, the new recruits were either excited or thinking it would be oddly lame since it was held in the camp but everyone else, they knew it would be simple but a fun time.  

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