Chapter 1

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Heads up: The chapters may be shorter and Mikasa being young might last a while before she grows up slowly but it's all for the story shake.

Question: Who do you think I should ship Hanji with? Erwin or Moblit, I've done a couple of HanjixMoblit but not sure if anyone wants me to do an ErwinxHanji.


She hated the smell, it was choking her more than her own blood or vomit could. 

She knew they used opium on her, the smell still stained the room and she had tried so hard to block it from her system but she never left the room. 

The drug was already in her body, already slowly trapping her even more as she won't survive long without it after escaping. 

She knew about going cold turkey but she no longer had anyone to care for her, to hide her away from the real monsters in the world why she recovers. 

She was all alone and she would die by the monsters hands one way or another. 

She didn't notice how her pain and coldness turned into numbness. 

She wondered when she lost her fight, her bite and bark that got her to be drugged up so much. 

She had no clue when the life in her eyes faded and left her once shining eyes to be nothing but dull. 

No mirrors were left in the disguising room she's had no choice but to call home for the past three years. Well, two years, eleven months and three weeks .. if someone would be counting after all. But she gave up on counting after the first month, no one knew she existed apart from the monsters that paid for her each night or each hour of the day. 

Her hair left to grown long, her nails nastily cut shorter then nails should. A hideous mark of her owner burned into the back of her neck. The only blessing she got from being branded was that her hair hid the mark and her own eyes couldn't see it without a mirror. Old scars around her right ankle, the chain has been tight and harsh, new wounds weekly from it and most left infected but no one tried saving her.

They only keep her alive enough to let any man have his way with her.

At least now she's broken and nothing but a pretty doll, she doesn't have to have the chains around her wrists keeping her strapped to the bed.

She got free movement over the bed, even a bucket by the end to use as her bathroom.

Not much of a nice living gift but it was better than being stuck on the bed with more men cleaning her down and having their way with her behind the owner back.

She wondered over death, she lost her humanity long ago to protect her heart.

She was more of a wounded animal waiting to be killed why those who hunted her just teased her dying body.  

A soulless doll ... that single phrase explained her. 

She was rare, expensive and breath taking beautiful, no other could hold the same charm as she did. 

She was silent, froze, pale and dead on the inside. 

She was nothing more than a doll that could breath, that's the fate she lived.

Or maybe that's what she accepted to think but than she met him.

The one who didn't offer his hand but offered her a pair of wings instead. 

He gave her a chance, an escape and a way to feel alive once more.

Even if he was a short jerk at first, he became someone important to her. 

Some may call it blind devolution to him, not love but she's felt loyal before and she's never felt loved like this.

She allowed her own heart to beat once more, she took such a risk and she'll never name it as a regret.  

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