Chapter 22

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Half an Year Later...

"No" Levi refused, glaring down to the fourteen year old girl who raised an irritated eyebrow. 

"No?" Mikasa repeated, glaring towards Levi from where she stood in the doorway of his new room within the old castle his squad was given to live in. 

"Yes, the answer is no. Your not going, you'll be moving all your crap into one of the rooms left over here" Levi replied as he crossed his arms over his stomach.

"It is a fair answer or just your answer? I'm fourteen, next year I'll be a survey corps soldier just like you and leave on expeditions. I'm trained enough to take down a whole unit of titans on my own and last time I checked, you weren't my father" Mikasa snapped back, showing how unpleased she was over Levi refusing her from spending a day with her friends. Her two friends in training had finally be given a day off in the training corps and like the rest of their class, they all agreed on going to a picnic together. Mikasa was invited since she'd sometimes do a day of training with them and was a part of the friendship group. She'd plan on going and was just reminding Levi over her not being around tomorrow. 

"I don't need to be your parent to forbid you from going. Mikasa, your not with the training corps, you might have done a few days of training with them in their first and second year but this year you've been strictly training here with the survey soldiers. Your not one of them nor are you in their class. Shadis isn't even going to pass you with the class anymore since Erwin will just sign you on to him like he did with me. There's no point for you trying to act buddy with a group of brats that you can't even name. Going on a picnic is just pointless, more so if they're going to think your on the same level as them when we all know you aren't. Your better than them, you always will be. They'll just try getting close to you in hopes of an easily life or ditch you as soon as they take notice over how good you are, they won't live in your shadow happily and just turn on you. I won't just let that happen, so you won't be going tomorrow" Levi sternly replied, turning away from her and unpacking the few things he use to keep on the shelf in his old office and was now placing on a shelf in his new room.

"That's bullshit! Armin and Eren have known me long enough to know what I'm like and they've never treated me differently or pushed me away. They've stayed loyal friends since the start and its my own life, Levi. I should be able to live it how I want too, if I get hurt or not, it's my choice and I'll just learn from my mistake. I might not be close to the rest of the 104th class but I've trained with a few of them and I won't just act stuck up by not coming because you've noticed I'm better than most would be at my age. I'm going" Mikasa yelled back in anger, her hands in fists by her side. Glaring a hole into the older man back without a single care over him being a higher rank. 

"Well, if it's your life than why not just live it your way completely. I'll be happy to just pack your bags and dump you on Carla doorstep for you to live your own life without my say. Why don't we go now, you'd want to learn from your own mistakes after all" Levi snapped back in his own annoyance over her talking back at him. 

"Why not. At least Carla won't keep me locked up on camp most of the time and be so controlling over me. I'm sure I'll be able to handle myself just fine" Mikasa snarled back, crossing her own arms over her stomach and stomping her foot a little. 

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