Chapter 37

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A Couple Months Later..

Everyone first expedition wasn't the smoothest but they at least survived and that was the main point. All of them being given better train to work on the bits they struggle over or was weakest at. 

New squads were being spoken over and the fresh cadets would be moved around a little more. Soldier's gaining new ranks and moving up while other's lost their ranks when they didn't prove themselves enough or couldn't handle the new responsibility. 

The three captains stuck with more paperwork over the expedition and everything else. Commander Erwin was stuck writing apology letters to the families of the soldiers who died in t he expedition. Before doing the rest of his paperwork and dealing with the regiment budget for the rest of the year.

The soldiers, on the other hand, most having all their injuries or bruises healed up. Their straps burns no longer bothering them as they got use to the uniform once more and those who lost an limb was sent home for good. This left them all enjoying life, celebrating for once now that everything had mostly settled down enough for them to have a bit of fun.

Hence, Mikasa was currently hiding out in Commander Erwin office as all her comrades close to her age were planning to head down to the closest town pub and drink the night away. Due to her hiding up and she didn't see that as much fun. 

Armin agreed and was planning to stay in camp with her just reading the night away. He might have agreed with only having one drink with his friends before heading back to his bunk to read away before heading to bed. Christa agreed that only going for one drink before parting since she was a light weight and didn't want to deal with an hang over the next day. 

But, they got outvoted and would being dragged along to tonight celebration anyway. Drinking bets already made and no one was going to be allowed early not if "this could be our last chance" theory was going around in everyone heads. Sure, no one knew when an expedition will be announced and when they can all have a drink together before an titan takes them away for good. But still, Mikasa was not letting herself be trapped in an bar all night. 

So, as the day only had two hours left before everyone who wasn't on guard duty in the camp went off duty. She kept herself hidden away from both Eren and the rest line of sight. Sure, she'd popped up for Armin when he was on his own knowing the blonde boy won't rat her out to the rest. More so when Mikasa promised to come rescue him before he got hammered at the pub. She'd leave one hour after the rest, knowing they'd be mostly drunk time she arrived and help Armin sneak out and back to the camp to leave him to read. 

But, she knew if the other's spotted her, than she'd be dragged along to the pub without any hopes of escaping. She wasn't allowed to just punch them, knocking them out before running away since it'd be reported to the captains. Plus, she'd feel guilty over hitting her friends when they were just trying to her to join the fun and hang with them. She knew it was nice of them to still think over her and wanting to have a good night out with her while they can. 

Erwin had simply raised an eyebrow at her once she had rushed into his office, closing the door behind her and simply sitting on the sofa with a book. Reading away without any words spoken or any hints she'd be leaving soon. 

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