Chapter 29

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AN: Wow, we're almost at thirty chapters and we're still at the start of the storyish. I didn't think I've done as many chapters as I have, it's a bit of a shocker if I'm honest. I know not all of my chapters have been long and I'm slow at updating but still, wow. Feels like I've barely made a dent in the story yet we're almost as thirty chapters.

Just want to say thank you to everyone who's still reading this book. Thanks for those who have been voting and commenting as well.


Mikasa was oddly enjoying being a basic cadet with her friends, it was a little bit fun to learn the basics all over again at a steady pace and hearing advice from soldiers more experience than herself. 

She didn't want to sound rude, stuck up or better but the pace was a little slow for her. But than again, she was personally trained by Levi, Mike and Hanji most of the time along with having their three squads take care of her as well.

She's been pushed to her limits since day one, slowly gotten use to the soldier life before pushed to survive while the rest of the fresh cadets was being taught slowly, having a whole month to slowly ease them into their new lives. 

But she still found the break in pace rather nice, it gave her a chance to act her age a little and experience the fresh cadets life a little. She was experiencing something new, something she missed out and why she doesn't regret becoming a soldier with how she did, she just .. liked to feel normal too. 

Of course, she still secretly gave tips to her friends and the rest when they were left to practice certain skills just shown to them or stuck in their hour long class with the teacher explaining over the basics of a titan and how to kill it. 

When lunch came around, she listened to them patiently as they complained over one thing or another over the morning so far. She didn't really struggle with any of the training or class, she's already gone through it all and just found it mostly boring but she understood that not everyone was the same. 

She spoke a couple words, joining in whenever a question was asked or just happily listening as Armin started telling her about a new book he bought and was reading through. Giving a remark or two towards Eren when he got a little too heated over something or was teasing the other's a little too much. 

It was strange having so many talk at once or laughing as loud as most of her new friends did but it wasn't unpleasant. It was nice to gain her own friends, to be apart of a team that wasn't already formed before she came along. She was odd compared to some of them and yet, she fit perfectly with them and it was nice. 

She knew that both Mike and Hanji squads were close to her, close to a form of family but they weren't her real friends. They took care off her like she was a younger sister or cousin to them, she was still a child to them. And, she didn't mind that most around her was older but it was nice to have someone close to her age and be able to just let lose a little without having to find middle ground over separate ages. 

The afternoon went off just as well, and well, she was able to help both Christa and Armin out when they struggled with hand to hand combat. It wasn't as needed but you had to train at it once a month, Survey Corps might be gaining fame and love but some still held a problem with them and their death count. Soldiers had to be ready to defend themselves or at least survive an unfair fight if they're left wondering the streets alone after a drink or just enjoying their day off and someone else decides to pick a fight. 

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