Chapter 2

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"Our boss gives his deepest apologies and welcomes you to enjoy his gift to you for as long as you want for tonight" A croaky voice man spoke, he was a big guy, bold arms but a huge beer belly that could most likely crush a skull if he leaned on their head. Almost fully bald but had a gingerly beard and dark green eyes. 

"Won't even see me face to face and yet he wants me to forgive him by accepting a gift that I have to return?" Levi scoffed back, glaring at the man who lead him to a rundown house hidden by an ally. It was hidden away but clearly used by others, the main area seemed like a posh waiting room and the kitchen was still mostly used to feed someone. A single chair between the door to the only bedroom and the small bathroom, the chair clearly used by a guard watching over whoever was in the bedroom. 

"Oh, I'm sure you'll return. They always do" The man replied, a knowing grin on his lips and some cheek in his eyes. 

Levi stayed silent, just moving towards the door and bending the door handle and stepping inside. He froze as the disgusting smell hit him, a gag leaving his lips making him quick to bringing his hand to his mouth. Taking a shaky step inside as he glanced around, a dresser pushed in the back wall with a tray laid on top. A half drunken bottle of whiskey sat on the tray with two filthy glasses that looked like they've never been clean just reused. 

The whole room was unhygienic and he wanted to do nothing more then burn it to the ground, a good option in his mind if he wasn't on a mission. 

His eyes fell to the single bed pushed against the wall by the barricaded window. Smalls gaps where the sun would peek through if any sun ever reached in the ally. 

Frail, Fragile and Weak ... she was almost a disgrace in his eyes.

No human should ever be sat as she was, it was a disgrace to humanity to let someone suffer this much and still carry on her life for more cruelty.

 She couldn't pick herself up and fight, no! She didn't even have any fight left in her .. she was just an empty shell by now. 

She was just a doll with a porcelain face, alone in the darkness, with no one to count on for her safety.

The only love she would ever get was from those nasty pigs who treated her as a lustful toy ... it wasn't even a form of love worth having in a person life. 

She knew this, he knew she did by how she held no life in her eyes.

She held no fight, no need, no pleasure and no worth in those dull empty eyes. 

She accepted her fate and she broke herself before she even tried lying to herself saying she needed all those men wanting her ... she knew better to become a prize who begged for their love. 

It was sad in a way but he also had to admit she was brave, to close herself off before she became a mindless slave that wanted nothing more than to please any man before her. 

For a child, she was the bravest person alive. 

She knew the cruelty of this world at such an innocent age, nothing pure was left of her and she clearly waited for death to come. 

It was sad ... she should have enjoyed her last years of innocence with a smile, getting embarrassed by thinking over her first kiss she wondered over. 

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