Chapter 33

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Well everyone... December 31st... Here is the last two chapters... I hope you enjoy :) (See A/N at end)
Ethan entered the hall of pleasure. He reloaded his gun and took the mask off the statue. The bars on the door fell down, blocking his escape. Through the fireplace lead to the armoury and Cassandra's room.
"I was thinking you'd go after my sisters first..."
"Fucking god..."
The bars closed behind Ethan, locking him in with Cassandra.
"Oh Ethan, I can't wait to devour you!"
Ethan ran from her and grabbed a pipe bomb on the table. Cassandra ran up to him, raising her sickle. Ethan ducked and noticed the faulty shelves sitting in front of something. Ethan quickly pushed them aside and noticed the crack between the stones of the wall. He stepped back and Cassandra charged for him again. Her sickle sliced through his torso and pushed him back. Ethan threw the bomb, which created an opening for cold air to come in. The temperature dropped instantly. Cassandra screamed.
"You've ruined the hunt!"
Finally, Ethan injured Cassandra. Cassandra just missed his face as she swiped with her sickle but this gave time for Ethan to shoot her in the torso, throwing her back.
"Die already!" Cassandra said, going to charge but Ethan shot again. Cassandra cried and tried to reach Ethan but her body began to crystallise.
"You will not get away! You're my prey... mine..."
"Crazy witch."
Cassandra's crystallized body lay there as Ethan stepped over it. Something took his attention. The deer skull, mounted on the wall. It was about to fall so he lifted it off. The bars covering the door lifted.
"Thank fuck..."

Alcina heard Cassandra's cry. She rushed up the stairs in panic. Ethan heard her and hid in Alcina's dressing room. She paused as she stood at the door. She can't fit... she'll have to the other way. She turned around and rushed that way. Ethan followed behind, keeping a close eye on her, until he split off to see the Duke. In the library, Sadie and Daniela huddled up together. You remained outside, in the courtyard, blocking all exits or entrances. You paced around, waiting for Ethan. The two doors pushed open from the dining room. You turn around... Ethan.
"Ah Ethan, poor man-thing..."
He aims his gun.
"Shoot me, Ethan. It's useless. Don't waste your ammo."
"You monster."
He trys to run past you, but you summoned your claws, which blocked his path. You smirk.
"Give up. You'll never find your daughter... ever."
He turns quickly, and weaved past you. You swipe at him, cutting his upper arm. He turns around to shoot at you. You walk up to him, your claws ready to swipe. He changes to his other gun, it was powerful and it knocked you off your feet.
"That's what you get, stupid bitch!" Ethan said, using your key on the door which led to the library.
Suddenly, before you got up, you froze. Ethan's movements reminded you of a certain someone who died long ago... Alexander. You instantly thought of the worst.

Ethan rushed into the opera hall, looking for a key. He looked everywhere. He began losing hope, until he noticed your piano. He looked at the papers and played the keys. He jumped back, a key sliding out in a small compartment of the piano. He smirked.
"Bingo. I'll be out of here quicker that what I thought..."
He rushed up the stairs again, but you stood in front of the door.
"You bastard... You'll never get out of this castle alive."
He turned back the way he came and you followed. Damn, he is quick. You were almost caught up with him but he soon was out of your sight.
"Come out Ethan, I don't bite!"
You looked all round you, then heard him running up stairs.
"Fuck..." You mumbled, "NO!"

"MUM, MOTHER?!" Sadie called, fighting Ethan. "Daniela, watch!"
Daniela dodged the bullet.
"Die you pile of fucking bugs!" Ethan said, shooting at Sadie's face.
"Not until you do first!" Sadie replied. She managed to cut his face, stunning Ethan. You managed to arrive.
"Mum! Help us!"
Ethan steadied himself and reached for the pipe bomb he had on his back. He threw it up at the window in the ceiling, which shattered and stunned the girls. They ran to each other and stayed close. You stood ahead of them, blocking Ethan's shots.
"You'll die here, Ethan! Save your ammo and just die!"
You swiped at him. You continued until you heard a faint cry behind you.
You shot around, seeing Sadie stumbling to the floor. The cold finally got to them... You fall to your knees and catch her and Daniela.
"Girls... no, please."
Ethan slowly edged away back out to the opera hall.
"ALCINA!" You cried, "ALCINAAAA?"
You held the girls close.
"Oh girls... I'm so sorry."
Sadie shook her head.
"Don't.... don't be..."
You blinked tears.
"I should have stayed with you..."
Daniela took your arm and gave it a weak squeeze. You weakly smile and look at your daughters for the last time. Alcina rushes in and almost stumbles. She fell on her knees beside you and puts an arm around you.
"Oh girls..." Alcina said, messing with their hair.
"I don't want to die..." Daniela said, looking at you two. Your heart shattered. You and Alcina sat and admired the girls, for the last time... This is the last time you'll see Daniela's silly mark on her cheek and Sadie's freckle on her upper lip. Then the sounds came. Sadie and Daniela were leaving you two.
"We'll meet again, right?"
"Of course..." You reply, Alcina nods. Their features crystallise and then the room was silent. You blinked tears and lean against Alcina.
"They're gone..."
Alcina wiped her tears. The remains of your eldest and youngest daughter were in your arms, cold.
"They're really gone..." You mumble, looking at Alcina. "Forever..."
Alcina smiled weakly and kissed your forehead.
"It's only us left..."
You wipe your tears.
"That man will die... a slow, painful death... He will pay..."

Rest In Peace, Jeanette Maus, who played Cassandra. We miss you everyday ❤

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