Chapter 15

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You wake up on the couch in the library. The sound of heavy rain was heard banging against the library windows. You look to your side and see Alcina and Sadie. Alcina's arm was holding Sadie close and her other was sitting on your leg. You smile and lift it off of you.
"Sleepyheads." You say, getting to your feet. You planted a kiss on both of their foreheads and walk to the closest bedroom. You nabbed the duvet. It was small but it was better than nothing. You threw it over Alcina and Sadie and left the room again. You walked down into the dining room and got a glass of water, well... a wine glass of water. You took a sip and decided to check up on the girls. They're taking longer than Sadie did. The flies were consuming their flesh but it was quite slow. As Mother Miranda said, each reaction can be different.
"Take your time girls..." You say, looking down at them before turning out of the room. On your way back up to the main parts of the castle, your wound suddenly ached as you bent under the door. You grab a bit of your dress.
"Fuck, ouch."
You continued walking but something didn't feel right. You tried to ignore it but you couldn't. You looked down and notice blood stains on your dress.
"Y/N! What did you do?!"
You look up and see Alcina rushing towards you. She falls to her knees.
"I don't know, Alci... I was just bending down under a door."
"We have to let it heal. You probably opened it up again. Come on, lets go to our room. Lie down and stay down."
"For how long? You can't expect me to sit like that all the time."
Alcina got to her feet.
"If it avoids this happening again, I suggest doing it."
Fair point... You sigh.
"I guess."
Alcina assisted you into your room and she gently lay you down.
"I'll get you a glass of wine. It will help."
You nod and look up to the ceiling. Yay, staying in a bed for a while. Sadie suddenly flew in.
"Mum, are you okay?"
You nod.
"Fine. Just the wound opened up again."
Sadie sighed and sat down at the bottom of the bed.
"Thanks for yesterday and the blanket this morning."
You smile.
"You're welcome and thank you, I enjoyed reading to you two."
Sadie smiled. Alcina arrived back and placed the glass beside you.
"We'll change the bandages later today- Oh, did I interrupt anything?"
You laugh and shake your head.
"Oh, no."
"We were just talking about last night!"
Alcina chuckled.
"It was quite enjoyable."

Alexander and Darius were meeting today. They plan on going out with their horses on a gallop. After you and Alcina left, they've gotten quite close. They were good friends at the start but they're even more now. They started to gallop in the direction of the beach on the L/N castle grounds.
"The horses can't stroll far so you doesn't have to tie them up."
Darius nodded and twisted the reins, avoiding his horse standing on them.
"This is such a beautiful beach, you're lucky."
"Thank you." Alexander said, a wide smile on his face.

Later that day, in the last evening, you're still lying down in the bed. You're slowly losing your mind. Alcina remained with you most of the time and Sadie remained in the library.
"Sadie's so much like you." Alcina said, pouring another glass for herself. You smile.
"She is, learned from the best."
You turn your gaze to Alcina and your eyebrows meet. Alcina giggled.
"Angry, huh?"
You roll your eyes and gesture to Alcina to cuddle you. Alcina didn't hesitate and made herself comfortable next to you in the bed. You snuggle up to her muscular figure. You felt her body relax up against yours. She was tired and so were you. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. Alcina wasn't far behind you.
"Mother, mum, I found this cool boo- Oops."
Sadie hushed herself and quietly and cunningly snuggled into the two of you without waking you up.

Most, if not all the days after that, you continued lying in that bed. One day, you were getting help changing your bandage. Alcina was gently taking off the last one. She was crouched, almost on her knees. Your eyes watch Alcina as she tries to avoid looking at your body. She unwrapped the bandage.
"Wow, it looks good."
"Am I free to walk about now, ma'am?"
Alcina looks up.
"Hm... maybe."
You groan. Alcina shakes her head.
"Just take it easy, okay? Try avoid chasing after Sadie around the castle."
You nod and hand her the new bandage. She takes it and wraps it around you again. You notice her eyes looking elsewhere.
"I see where you're looking, missy."
Alcina smirked.
"You do, do you?"
"I'm not blind, dearest."
Alcina rolled her eyes and continued to bandage your torso up. She finished then got to her feet. You smile.
"Thank you."
Alcina smiles just as you place a kiss on her lips. She kisses back, her hands going around your waist. Your lips linger around hers. You playfully nip Alcina's bottom lip, which drew blood. Alcina parted from you.
You smirk and push your lips against Alcina's again. You tasted her blood. Alcina bit at yours and got a taste of you... She's like that, if you get it, she gets it.
"You taste wonderful, darling." She said, licking her lips.
"I can say the same to yourself."
Alcina lightly chuckles then tasted you once more. She let out a moan of satisfaction. You giggle. Suddenly, the door opened and there stood Sadie.
"I-I'll come back at a better time..."
Alcina jumped ahead of you and looked at Sadie.
"Sadie! You could have knocked."
You rush to get your dress on as Sadie speaks.
"I was actually thinking of talking to you guys later but I was at this side of the castle anyway..."
"We're sorry you had to walk in on that... What's up?" You ask, your dress finally on your body. Sadie cleared her throat.
"I found this letter out near the castle doors. It was left by Mother Miranda."
She lifts a letter to you and Alcina. You step ahead and take it.
"Do you know when?"
She shrugged. You open the letter and read aloud.

"Dear Alcina and Y/N Dimitrescu,

I gave you those girls as a reward for your efforts in the fight against Darius and Alexander. They'll be awake soon, I hope. The cadou parasite seems to be working for them.

I have any missions for the future. I'm currently looking for others to rule with me, at your side. I have great people in line for it. Anyway...

I will be away for a short while. I shall try to receive maidens for your castle on my journeys and if it's unsuccessful, I shall receive maidens from the village.

Raise Sadie and those girls well, if I'm not there to see them wake.

Best of luck,
Mother Miranda."

"Cadou parasite?" Sadie asked, her eyebrows meeting.
"Long story." Alcina says, looking at the letter. "Others to rule with us..."
You give the letter to Alcina and sit down on the bed. Sadie joined you.
"What is that cadou parasite?"
You sigh.
"Well, it's what made us... this."
Sadie looked at herself.
"Hey, it's not a bad thing. Whatever happens has a reason to."
"Yeah, I know. I just wonder if my sisters will be like this."
"Whatever they'll be, you'll be their best friend."
Sadie shrugged. You took her hand in yours. The size difference was extraordinary.
"Come on, would a piano piece cheer you up?"
Sadie's face lit up.
"I'm pretty sure there's violins in there too." You smile. Sadie jumped to her feet.
"That's a yes?"
"Duh!" She cheered. You look to Alcina, who's head is still in the letter.
"Well, Alci? Care to join us?" You ask, getting to your feet. Alcina nods and folds up the letter.
"Of course."
You take her hand and follow Sadie to the opera hall. While on your way, you try remember a few pieces you've written down. You remembered one piece... just not the name.
"Mum, can you play the violin anymore? You know, after all that."
You sigh.
"Unfortunately I'm too big for them. I can still play piano. Want me to play a piece now?"
Sadie nodded and pushed over a chair for herself and Alcina.
"Thank you Sadie." Alcina smiled, sitting down. Sadie sits beside her. You sit at the piano and try remember the whole tune. Your fingers seemed to move before you thought about them. It began to play the song. The name finally came to you, "Berlin Song", Ludovico Einaudi. Another favourite of yours. Sadie and Alcina watched you play, their bodies relaxed. The sound of the piano echoed throughout the whole castle, which just made it sound better. Good, you still had your piano skill in you after that infection. Give yourself a pat on the back!

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now