Chapter 19

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"My lord, you've got some letters." A maiden says, handing them to Alexander, who was sitting in the library with Darius the chair opposite him. Alexander takes them.
"Thank you. While you're here, please get two beers."
"Of course, sir. I will be a minute."
The maiden leaves.
"I was just thinking," Darius said, turning the page. "I wonder what those two women are doing, Y/N and Alcina."
"God knows."
"I wonder what they'd think if they found out about us."
Alexander laughed.
"Probably nothing. They still hate us."
Darius chuckled.

In the new Castle Dimitrescu, you were lying down in your bed. You didn't know what to do, at all. Alcina was talking to the girls about the wine and human flesh. You had no interest, because you know it all already. So, you just waited for Alcina to finish and maybe you two might have a walk around the castle. She said she'll be a few minutes and she's quite good at estimating her time doing things. She suddenly walked through the door with a smirk.
"Well, well. Good afternoon, sleepy head."
You sit up and roll your eyes.
"I wasn't sleeping."
Alcina crossed her arms.
You nod, sticking out your tongue. Alcina sat down on the bed, facing you.
"What were you dreaming about, huh?"
"I wasn't sleeping, missy."
You try look intimidating towards her, but she chuckled.
"Is that all?"
You drop your shoulders.
Alcina cracked her knuckles and suddenly pinned you down onto the bed. She was on top of you, with a wide smirk on her face.
"This is how you do it."
Your face goes red as you try hide it. Alcina kissed you once then sit back up, taking you with her.
"I'll keep that in mind." You say, fanning down your face.
"You better."
Suddenly, the girls buzzed in the door.
"Mother Miranda has guests! They're in the hall." Daniela said, with a hint of excitement.
"Already?" Alcina asked, getting up. "I thought it would be longer."
You follow the rest out of the room. The girls stayed in their humans forms and stood alongside you and Alcina.
"Here we are, Castle Dimitrescu." Mother Miranda says, her hands in the air. You six walk out and see the other lords. The daughters hid behind you two. Heisenberg yawned.
"Nah, I prefer my own place."
"I prefer not having you here, Karl." Alcina said, matching his energy.
"Enough, both of you. Anyway, you guys have met Y/N and Alcina but you haven't met their daughters." Mother Miranda said, "Come on out girls."
Sadie stood out, followed by the three others. You remained close, just in case. The girls stood side by side.
"So..." Mother Miranda began, "The brown curly one is Sadie, second brown haired one is Bela-"
Cassandra interrupted.
"It's Cassandra..."
You hold back a laugh. Cassandra shoots you a glare.
"Sorry, Cassandra." Mother Miranda said, "The blonde one is Bela and the redhead is Daniela."
"They look nothing like them." Heisenberg said, his eyebrows stitched together. Alcina pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Heisenberg, enough comments."
He looks at Alcina with raised eyebrows.
"Oh hush, super-sized bitch."
Alcina summoned her claws and stepped ahead. You throw your arm in front of her to stop her. Mother Miranda snaps.
The room falls silent and the girls run in behind you and Alcina.
"Y/N, will you help me keep those two apart, please?"
You nod, lowering your arm when Alcina retracted her claws.
"You two are stuck together for the rest of eternity, so get along." Mother Miranda warned, glaring at both of them. "Anyway, I want to quickly discuss something with Y/N and Alcina."
You two were summoned to the corner, where Mother Miranda spoke.
"Hopefully tomorrow, you will be retrieving maidens from the village. They are not to be eaten, unless they deserve it. They have gotten into trouble before, so all your maidens are sent here to pay for their actions."
You nod.
"Yes, Mother Miranda." You reply. Alcina remained silent as she watched the girls. They were talking to Donna and Moreau. Heisenberg was smoking a cigar. Mother Miranda walked back towards the others as you two followed. Just before joining them, you pause and take Alcina's hand. She looks at you, confused.
"N/N, what's wrong?"
You sigh.
"Try not fight with Karl, please? I know he is annoying but don't let it get to you."
"He needs to learn to keep his mouth shut."
"Alci, don't let him annoy you. I know today will be rough but we can do it, together."
She sighed and put her forehead against yours.
"Lovebirds, come on!" Sadie teased, nudging your side. You chuckle and part from Alcina.
"We better go."

The rest of that day was rough. Trying to keep Alcina and Heisenberg apart from killing each other was difficult. Alcina was once so close to just putting a claw right through him. Whenever Mother Miranda and the other lords left, the whole castle went quiet and no one was complaining. When the night arrived, you threw yourself on the bed and Alcina joined you. You finally thought you had alone time with Alcina but the daughters, of course, had to join you. There's nothing wrong with that, at all! You love your daughters but you also need some time alone with your partner. Alcina's face was buried in the covers, with Daniela and Sadie sitting on her back. Cassandra and Bela sat up next to you.
"What was Mother Miranda talking about with you guys?" Bela asked.
"The castle is getting maidens to keep the place clean." You reply. "And no, they're not for eating unless they deserve it."
Bela pouted.
"Sorry, Bela."
Bela sighed and rested her head on your lap. You pull down the hood of her dress and messed with her hair. You could see where she was infected with the cadou as the hair around it is refusing to grow. You're so happy the daughters accepted you and Alcina as their mothers. You thought they'd run away...
"Well, Mother? Still breathing?" Sadie said, patting Alcina's back. Alcina replied, but her voice was muffled.
You chuckle. Cassandra leaned up next to you and closed her eyes. The whole room was slowly drifting home to sleep. Alcina suddenly moved her head to the side and took a deep breath.
"Girls, I really need to lie on my side."
Sadie and Daniela got up and mumbled a quick, "sorry". Alcina lay on her side, then opened her arms, letting Sadie and Daniela snuggle in.
"Goodnight, everyone." You say, lying back. This let Cassandra get more comfy and it didn't disturb Bela. You room soon fell into silence. The only thing you could hear was the breathing from everyone here and the light wind outside.

That next morning, you woke up with everyone else still asleep. You yawn and gently lift Bela's and Cassandra's heads off your lap. You ducked out of the room. You stretched and rubbed your eyes. You suddenly hear a quiet scream from outside the castle... Maidens... Mother Miranda is on the way with maidens. You duck back into the room and nudge Alcina awake.
"What..." She groaned.
"Mother Miranda is on the way with maidens, remember?"
"Oh fuck."
Alcina got off the bed and sighed.
"Why so early..."
"I don't think it's early, Alci."
She sighed.
"Is there places for these maidens?"
"Yes, close to the cellars? Do you not remember?"
"I thought that was for prisoners."
You shrug. Not too long later, Mother Miranda shows up with a group of terrified maidens behind her. Some guilty feeling came upon you. Your maidens back at Castle L/N were confident and well looked after. These new maidens were the complete opposite.
"Here they are. I wish I could stay but I'm urgently needed at House Beneviento."
"Thank you, Mother Miranda." You reply, stepping ahead. Mother Miranda nods and leaves. The maidens huddled together in fear. You try to look welcoming and approachable.
"Well, welcome to Castle Dimitrescu, my maidens."
They remain silent. You sigh.
"I know we must be intimidating, but you can trust us. Please don't hesitate to talk to us if anything is annoying you. Come on, I'll show you to your places."

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora