Chapter 31

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Ehm, I couldn't wrap these... I tired but it didn't work...
HELLO EVERYONE! I hope everyone is well. So, I said Chapter 30 would be the last chapter of the year but I felt generous so I decided to post 2 for you as a thank you and a Merry Christmas from me, Ddotm0. You all mean so much to me!

"Quiet now, child. Adults are talking."
"I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!"
You sigh.
"You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!"
"Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!"
Alcina's face scrunched up and she growled. Angie began to chant.
"Fight, fight, fight, fight!"
"Hey, don't I get a say in this?" Ethan asks. Miranda stretched her wings.
The room goes quiet, and Heisenberg and Alcina part.
"My decision is final, there will be go argument. Remember from whence you came!"
Heisenberg smirks and everyone stands.
"Thank you. Lycans and gentlemen, we thank you for waiting! And now, let the games begin!"
Heisenberg gets up into Ethan's face.
"Let's see what you're really made of, Ethan Winters. Get ready!"
"No, wait!"
Ethan's chain snapped and he was able to get to his feet. Lycans surrounded him and Ethan looked for an escape. You watch, hoping it will be over soon. He manages to escape through a hole in the floor.
"Great, Alcina can we leave?"
"Oh thank god, yes."

Whenever you two arrive back home, the girls came up to you.
"Mum, Mother... We haven't had a maiden in a while... Can we please have ONE?" Bela asks. You sigh.
"Fine, okay. Only one."
"Thanks Mum! We'll keep some of her for you two!"
You smile.
"Off you four go!"
They fly off.
"I'll fetch us some wine." Alcina said.
"Awesome, thanks. I'll be in our room."
The room was cosy and the fire was lit. You sat on the bed and crossed your legs. Alcina came in with two glasses not too long later and she sat down.
"Honesty, I would have sliced Heisenberg into ribbons if Mother Miranda let me..."
"Don't let him annoy you. He's just a dick."
Alcina sighed.
"I guess."
Suddenly, you heard a scream. You chuckle and take a drink.
"The girls found their food."
Outside their room, unknown to them, Ethan got into the castle. He walked slowly to avoid loud footsteps. He approached the door which led to the tower of worship but was stopped. The heavy doors which led to the main hall opened and four groups of flies fly in.
"Looking for Rose?" Daniela teased, showing herself first. They must have heard him. Cassandra showed herself next, then Bela, then Sadie. Sadie went up to Ethan and pushed him down.
"Mmm... Haven't had man in a while."
"Let's show Mum and Mother!" Bela said, looking down at him.
"Of course."
Sadie's sickle went around Ethan's leg then Bela's. They dragged Ethan into your room and dropped him.
"Mum, Mother, we bring you fresh prey." Sadie said with a smile. Your eyes widen.
"Girls..." You mumble. Alcina stands up and turns around. You get to your feet and stand beside Alcina.
"Where did you find him?" You ask.
"Just in the hall." Sadie replies.
"So you escaped my little brother's idiot games, did you?" Alcina asks.
"Let's see how he tastes!" Cassandra said, looking up at Alcina.
"Good idea, daughter."
Sadie brought her sickle to Ethan's hand and slices it.
"Hm..." Alcina says as she tastes him. "Starting to go a little stale."
"Then let's devour his man flesh quickly, Mother!"
"Now now daughters, first we must inform Mother Miranda. Later well, there will be enough for everyone."
You walk towards Ethan and take a taste. You regretted it.
"Stale, indeed. Put him up."
Two sickles go through his palms and soon, he hung from the celling.
"Good luck finding your daughter." You say with a smirk. All six of you leave Ethan in the room and lock the doors. He won't escape... hopefully.

"Crazy witches..." Ethan mumbled after he escaped. His hands were torn into two. He grabbed the small bottle and opened it. He poured it over his hands. It did make it a bit better.
"Thank god."
He pushed through the doors and went to the other, but it was locked.
"Fuck's sake..."
He looked for a possible way out and he did. The fireplace. He crouched and opened the iron doors.
He crawled through and it lead out to the hallway, on the other side of the locked door he saw earlier. He pushed through the double doors to where he was earlier. The door right ahead of him was open. He approached it.

You and Alcina found the bit of maiden left from the girls and you took it. Alcina had a bite too.
"Our daughters have such fine taste." She said, licking her fingers. You agree.

In the main hall, Ethan walked up the stairs and started the search for his daughter. The maroon eye, that was missing from the door just above the main hall was found by Ethan. He put it in and it lead him to Alcina's dressing room and Cassandra's bedroom just past the armoury. Cassandra, in her swarm of flies flew out from the door.
"I haven't cut open a man in a while!" She said, forming into her human form. "Let me string you up, slice your jugular, and watch."
Ethan ran through the door and looked for an escape. One of the doors was locked and the other wasn't, so he went through that.
"Taken alive, dead? Which would you prefer?"
"Neither!" Ethan replied, his eyes on an escape route. He shot a shot at Cassandra, but it was harmless.
"Those shitty bullets can't do a thing!"
Ethan ran for the escape and fell through the rotting wood, which took him down to the cellars. Cassandra couldn't reach him any longer. You and Alcina stood in the tasting room as music filled your ears. Ethan paused before he could be seen.
"This then?" Alcina asks.
"Perfect. Let's go." You reply. Ethan crawled out as you closed the door.
"That was too close..."
He walked around the table and went down the stairs into more cellars. This was when he met some of the maidens, who unarmed. Their hands shot into the air.
"Whoa, I'm friendly. What are you all doing down here?"
"Ehm, we work here."
"You work with... with them?"
"You know, they're not as bad as you think they are. They can actually-"
"So sorry but I'm in a rush. Have any of you seen a baby?"
Their heads shake. Ethan cursed.
"But we know how you can escape..."

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