Chapter 22

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Hey everyone! I used to post new chapters randomly but now I'll be posting one every Friday! Next week is mid-term break for me so I might post an extra chapter? You never know! I hope everyone has a great weekend.
I appreciate all of you so much, you all are the best people out there! <33

"Is he all sorted?" Alcina asked, after up walk out from the cellar. You nod.
"The little bitch went to grab my dress."
Alcina rolled her eyes. You sat down beside her and threw your legs over her lap. Alcina raised her eyebrows.
"Get comfy, why don't you?"
You smirk.
"I will."
Alcina shook her head and put her hand on your leg. She drew little circles with her fingers. You lean back in your chair and cross your arms. You watch her fingers glide over your exposed skin. Your eyes slightly widen when you notice the fingers she used. Her middle and ring... You looked up at her face. All of her attention was on your leg. She's hinting something, you just know it. She turned her attention to you.
You smirk and raise your eyebrows. Alcina raised and lowered her eyebrows. Oh God, she's good at this.
"Damn." You murmur, "I thought the transition would take that side away from you."
"Oh please, I wouldn't let it. Eternity would be boring."
You start blushing, badly. Alcina sighed and tuts.
"You're so childish."
That made it worse. Alcina did her normal smirk, however there was a spark of something in her eyes. Without even noticing, your faces inched closer to each other. Just before your lips touched, Alcina's hand made it to your chest.
"Still haven't lost it, have I?"
You shake your head.
"Got better."
Alcina raised a single brow and tilted her head to the side.
"I was always this good."
You chuckle.
"Show me, then I might believe you."
"If you say so."
Alcina pressed her lips against yours, taking a small bite of your lower lip. The kiss deepens in just a few seconds, your hands reaching for her back. Before you know it, your sitting on Alcina's lap, facing her. Now, the kiss was at it's deepest and at it's best. Alcina's hand trailed up your thigh, until...
"I should have knocked."
You two part instantly, and turn to see Daniela. She looked traumatised.
"Daniela- Hey, eh."
"I was just wondering if you were here... I'll leave now."
You get off Alcina's lap and fix your dress. Alcina gets to her feet.
"Daniela, is everything okay?"
"Of course, Mother. It's just that I hadn't heard from you two for a while, I just wanted to check up on you."
You sigh.
"Well, we're okay, Dani. No need to worry about us."
Dani smiled.
"Okay, I'll be in the library."

"Where is that guard..."
Alexander paced across his room, which you two shared previously. He walked towards the bed but suddenly hit his toe of something. He cursed and fell onto the bed.
"Fucking Chirst..."
He looked down to see what it was. He was met with the sight of your sketch book, which has collected a fair amount of dust. He picked it up and laid it on his lap.
"Y/N would kill me right now..."
He opened the first page, seeing all the variety of sketches. Alexander sighed, seeing all the feminine features in your sketches.
"Wasn't it obvious..."
He flipped through the other pages. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Alexander invited them in.
"My Lord, I apologise for the interference however, that guard you sent off yesterday told me that if he doesn't arrive back, you should save him. He hasn't arrived back, at all."
Alexander closed the book and placed it beside him.
"No sign of him, at all?"
The maiden shook her head.
"Right, get my steed ready. I'll sort this out."
The maiden was hesitant.
"Sir, are you sure? Last time-"
"Last time isn't important. Get my horse ready."
"Yes, sir."

Alexander made his way towards the stables, in his riding gear. He held the sketchbook and a few of your things too. He had his trusty dagger and gun at his side. Cosmo stood there, waiting for him.
"I'll be back soon."
"Yes, sir. Be careful."
Alexander looks down to the stable girl. He nods.
"I will come back, uninjured, understand?"
"Understood, sir. Safe journey."
Alexander looked ahead and Cosmo walked on. Before Castle Dimitrescu, he must stop at Castle Andrei. He can't do this alone, and to hopefully keep a positive relationship between you and Alcina, Darius must bring stuff of Alcina's to her.
"Hold on. Alcina keeps some of her important stuff in the presses in her room."
"Take your time, Darius."
"Will do, Al."
Rushing into the room, he opens the presses. Your sketch, from that long ago, lay in one of them. Darius picked it up. He picked up a few other small items too.
"Alright, all done. I'm glad you're taking me with you, Al."
Alexander laughed.
"Y/N would probably slice my throat if I went alone."
Darius chuckled.

Late evening, you sat with Daniela in the library. The rest of the family joining you. You all huddled together.
"Alcina is reading out loud now." You say, handing her the book.
"Alright, fine."
You smile and rest your head on her shoulder. Alcina picked up from where you left off. Your daughters snuggled up to you.
Outside, the boys tied up their horses. Darius groaned.
"Ugh, I hate this place."
Alexander sighed.
"Hopefully, this will be our last time here. We can then be happy together."
Darius smiled.
Alexander picked up your stuff.
"Come on, let's get our guard back."
Darius had Alcina's stuff in his hands. They walked up to the familiar doors and pushed them open. They gulp.
"It's quiet..."
"Never a good sign, huh?"
The two walked to the main hall but Alexander accidentally collided with a maiden. She dropped the vase she was holding.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!"
The maiden shakes her head.
"No, no, it's fine. Simple mistake..."
The crash of the vase was heard in the library, as a muffled noise. You sit up.
"Did you hear that?"
Alcina paused the reading.
"Something crashed. I'm checking it out- Wait, listen."
The library went silent. The voices of Darius and Alexander were heard, but only just. You instantly looked at Alcina. Alcina slammed the book shut.
"Fuck sake."

&quot;We Are The Dimitrescu Family.&quot; Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now