Chapter 26

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Happy Friday everyone! I'm posting this quite early in the morning (for me). I'm just after waking up! Oopsies hehehe. Anyway, hope everyone has an amazing day!

It's already a few hours into the celebrations. Your daughters have gone off somewhere. You and Alcina were sitting down away from everything. You two couldn't do much due to your height. Instead, you were sitting and watching.
"This is... fun?" You say, trying to start conversation.
"Indeed." Alcina replies. You suddenly spot the girls ahead, dancing along with the villagers.
"At least the girls are enjoying themselves." You said, giggling at Daniela's twirling. Alcina pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Daniela is so off time..."
You lean against Alcina and sigh.
"Do you miss doing normal mortal stuff?"
Pause. Alcina hummed.
"A bit." Alcina looked over your head, "Talking about mortals..."
You look in the same direction, seeing a blurry figure on the mountain. You stand up.
"No way, it's been so long..."
"Should we check them out?"
"Yes, definitely."
You two walk towards the entrance of the village, meeting the person there. Whenever you got a good, clear view, you didn't recognise the man at all.
"Hello, my ladies. I was sent by Darius Andrei to deliver a letter."
Alcina's body froze up when hearing his name. You took the letter from the guards hands and opened it. Alcina read it over your shoulder.

'Alcina & Y/N Dimitrescu,
I hope things are well. It's been quite a while since we've spoken. I just wanted to write this letter to inform you of the passing of Alexander L/N. He passed early yesterday morning. I know that you may not care but I would love to see you both again, back here on the other side of the mountains.
Alexander never forgot you two and I think it would mean the world to him if you could visit before his burial.
You do not have to, it's up to you. I hope you know he never forgot you two.
Best wishes,
Darius Andrei.'

Your eyes dart back up to the guard.
"Tell him we'll be there tomorrow."
Alcina shoots a glare at you.
"I will do, my lady. Any other things you'd like me to pass on?"
"No, just that. Safe journey back."
The guard nods and turns his horse. He bids a farewell. Alcina slaps your shoulder.
"Tomorrow!? For heaven's sake, Y/N!"
"Alcina, it's the least we can do!"
"We don't even have horses our size!"
"Well, not yet."

Turns out there was horses suitable for your size. They were a failed cadou experiment. The horses where large and horned, like a rhino.
"See? We have horses our size." You say, with a smirk. Alcina rolled her eyes.

The night wasn't long coming. The daughters couldn't speak, they were that tired. You walked into your room and sat down on the bed. You draped your leg over the other.
"I can't believe you agreed to go see that man." Alcina said, taking off her hat. Her fingers ran through her hair.
"It's the least we can do, Alci."
Alcina's hair hung above her shoulders and her usual neat hair was now messy.
"You're too nice..."
You got to your feet and messed up Alcina's hair more with your hand.
"You're too mean."
Alcina's hands go to your waist and she pulled you close.
"You're stubborn, really stubborn."
You smile.
"I know."
Alcina rolled her eyes and kissed your forehead.
"You're unique, N/N."

You woke up at the feeling of someone messing with your hair. Alcina was attempting to plait your hair. She was unaware you were awake. She mumbling away to herself.
"How in the heavens..."
She tired again. She accidentally pulled a hair from your head.
You gasp. Alcina startles.
"Fucking God, Y/N."
You turn around and face Alcina with a smirk.
Alcina remains silent. She did her angry pout.
"We're going to Castle L/N again. Aren't you not excited to see it again?"
"The castle, yes. Darius, no."
"Alci... come on. That happened so long ago."
"Wakey wakey!" Screamed Sadie, jumping in between both of you.
"Girls..." You groaned. The four snuggled in between you and Alcina.
"Well, how was your sleep?" Asked Daniela, looking up at the ceiling.
"What has you four in a good mood?"
"Because Mum, we had an amazing day yesterday." Cassandra replied. Alcina sighed.
"Good for some."
Everyone faced Alcina.
"Mother, why?" Bela asked. You explain, knowing Alcina wouldn't.
"Me and your mother are going back to where we lived before we came here. Remember Darius and Alexander? Well, Alexander passed away."
"Oh, okay. Can we go?"
"Bela, my dear, I don't think so."
"Well, who will take care of us when you're away?"
You go silent, to think.
"You have a point... Alright, fine. We must fetch extra horses."
"I know where there's a few!" Sadie smiled.

Sadie took them to a house on the outer side of the village. This place held riding lessons. Sadie walked right up to the man and asked for 4 horses. When the man took one glance at you and Alcina, he instantly fetched for horses.
"Neat." You whisper. Alcina rolls her eyes. 4 stable girls tacked up 4 heavy horses. Your two horses behind you towered over the 4 smaller horses.
"They're ready, Lady Sadie. Safe journey."
Each daughter fetched a horse and mounted. You and Alcina to the same.
"I can see Castle L/N already!" You say jokingly. You three soon begin walking. Sadie walked beside you, looking tiny.
"This will be a long journey, you know. I hope you four are up for it."
"Of course we are, mother!" Bela replied, smiling at Alcina.

Hours later...
"Lord Andrei, guests are arriving. The Maros and the Lupus."
Darius, who needed a walking stick to walk, nodded and went to the door.
"Make some tea." Said Darius, pushing open the door.
"Yes sir."

Ahead, Castle L/N was seen. It hasn't changed. You soon were flooded with memories of the grounds.
"It's been so long..."
Alcina came up beside you.
"The memories, huh?"
You nod with a smile.
"Indeed. Anyway, let's continue."

"Darius, my friend." Greeted Mr. Lupu. They shook hands.
"Mr. Lupu, how are things?"
"Well. How about here? The castle is still in great shape."
"Thank the maidens for that."
They chuckle.
"Tie them up here." You say, dismounting.
"You haven't had any word from the old missus, have you?"
Darius shook his head.
"I sent them a message informing them on Alexander... I highly doubt they care."
Mr. Lupu sighed and gulped down the remaining tea.
"What did you expect... they moved on."
Darius nodded.
"I guess..."
"These doorways are smaller than I remember... Follow."
Alcina ducked down and the daughters followed in behind.

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now