Chapter 2

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Omg, I didn't actually expect people to read my first chapter. Thank so much if you did! <3
For the rest of that day, your guests remained in the grand hall. Your husband got drunk, no surprise there but he was enjoying his time with Darius. You and Alcina decided to walk around the inside of your castle.
"So much plants, Y/N."
"Yeah, a bit too much plants but it's nice to look at."
"Indeed it is. Your maids must be sick and tired of watering them every day, huh?"
You chuckle.
"I water them majority of the time but yes, I hear from the maids it's hard work."
Alcina nodded and gently ran her index and middle finger over the aloe vera plant as she passed. You noticed.
"Do you have any aloe in Castle Dimitrescu?"
She turned around to look at you. She sighed and shook her head.
"I did but Darius removed it."
"Goodness me, he'll soon remove the whole castle itself!"
"You know him, everything his way or no way at all. Now that he's the Lord of the castle, he thinks he can change what my father did to suit his taste."
You sigh. What Alcina said was true, you picked that up the second you looked at him. Darius was indeed quite open about his taste.
"It's not the end of the world, it's just a plant." Lady Dimitrescu sighed. You nod and smile.
"I have a lot of aloe here. Maybe if he changes his mind and wants some, I'd be happy to give you some."
Lady Dimitrescu looked at you with a smile, a friendly and grateful smile.
"Thank you, you're very kind."
You shrug with a giggle. As you and Alcina continue to walk, you hear a loud and sudden crash from the grand hall. You two stop and pause.
"That sounded bad..." You mumbled.
"Will we check it out?"
"I'm so sorry but I think we should."
You turn on your heel and the lady follows. Your gown gently flowed as you walked quickly, showing your legs through the slit up the side of your gown.
"What's going on down there?" You called, reaching the stairs looking down on the grand hall. You look down to see Darius laying in the shards of your favourite vase. Your husband must have thought it was hilarious as he wheezed uncontrollably. Your jaw clenched up and the grip on the handrail tightened, making your knuckles go white. Alcina stood behind you, her eyebrows raised.
"Y/N dearest, it's just a vase." Your husband said, only noticing you now.
"Just a vase?" You seethed, marching down the stairs. Alcina walked behind you then moved to her husband. She lifted him off the shards.
"That vase is more than just a vase, Alexander. My mother gave me that when I was 14!" You seethed, crossing your arms.
"You have other vases around the house!" Your husband said, "Now stop embarrassing me."
You gasp and take a step back.
"Embarrassing you?! You're embarrassing me with your drunk self, you look a mess and the guests have only been here for a few hours?"
Darius pushed Alcina away and walked to you.
"Ah hush, Y/N. Go off and have a stroll with my Mrs. Andrei. Get your maids to clean it up."
You shoot your gaze to Alcina, who's face scrunched up in disgust. You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Darius, get out."
"He's staying, Y/N." Your husband said, grabbing the sleeve of your dress. "This is my castle, I make the rules! He's staying until the event is over."
You pause. HIS castle? No, it is yours! You pull his hand off your sleeve and threw it back at him.
"You're unbelievable." You say. You leave out the main doors to your garden. You leaned against the shed, turning your face up looking at the starry night. You took breaths of the air. It was relaxing to you. You loved being outside at night, listening to the river flow and look at the moon. You sighed. The moon was full and it gazed down on you, lighting up your face. You hated fighting with anyone, not just Alexander. That vase was the last thing you had of your mother before she unfortunately passed away from natural causes. Gone, into shards. You and your mother were close, very close. She used to always go out cantering on the beach with you and your old pony, Spike and her horse, who you currently ride now, Finn. Finn was taught by your mother. He's one of the best mannered and kindest horses out there, your mother was kind and mannered too. But that all changed when you had to come out to her. You and your mother drifted apart. You suddenly startled at the sudden hand on your shoulder.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Alcina spoke.
"It's fine." You reply, looking at her. "What are you doing out?"
"I needed fresh air. It's quite warm in there."
You nod, looking back up to the stars.
"I apologise about Darius and the vase." Alcina sighed, looking at you.
"It's fine. At least no one was seriously injured." You say, looking at her and giving her a small smile. A silence soon fell between you and Lady Dimitrescu. You sigh once more and look down at the wedding ring on your finger. You began to mess with it. The ring looked horrible on your finger, it didn't suit you. You love simple, plain rings not this expensive, chunky ring sitting on your finger right now. Off in the distance, you and Alcina hear the sound of trotting hooves and wheels. You look at Alcina.
"Your lift has arrived." You smile.
"Is it that time already?" She mumbled, checking her watch.
"Must be."
The lady nodded, brushing down her dress.
"Thank you ever so much for this night, Lady L/N."
"No, thank you. Safe journey home."
"Thank you."
You nod and wave. Alcina walked back into your castle, calling for Darius. You walk over to the main door, watching Lady Dimitrescu and her husband leave. You do a small wave once more and watch her go. Your husband stood at the door, waving. You walked towards him and give him a glare.
"The maids cleaned up the vase." He said, giving the same glare back. You nod, walking into the grand hall and meeting your personal maid.
"My lady, I'm ever so sorry for your vase." She spoke, gently nodding her head.
"Thank you, Bella." You smile. "Bella, whenever you're finished cleaning this up, can you please get me a glass of wine?"
"Of course, my lady."
Your maid bowed at the waist and left. You gently moistened the corners of your mouth with your tongue as you gently lift a forgotten shard the maids didn't clean up. The grand hall smelt strongly like beer. It better not have gotten on the carpets...
"Here my lady, your wine." Bella smiled. You take it out of her hands.
"Thank you, Bella."
She smiled and turned away and joined the other maids. You take yourself and your glass of wine upstairs to your room. You pushed open your door, smiling at your book sitting on your bedside table. Your book must wait. You ask Elizabeth to help you undress.
"Was the corset comfy, ma'am?"
"It was great, Elizabeth."
"Good. Would you like your silk dressing gown?"
"Please, thank you."

From then on, you lay in your bed and read your book. Your husband sat downstairs in the library which is also his office. Your maids brought in grapes and cheese for you and you nod as a thank you. Not too long after you lay in your bed with your book, everything was settling. The maids were off to bed and your husband crawled into the bed with you. You sigh and shut your book. You lie down facing away from Alexander. You hope he doesn't snore tonight because you're not in the mood to change rooms.


Thank you so much for reading! There's only about 300+ words in this chapter then chapter 1. I don't want to make the chapters too long but most, if not all chapters will be over 1,000 words. Yeah, I hope you all have a great day/night, whatever time it is. ♡♡♡♡

&quot;We Are The Dimitrescu Family.&quot; Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora