Chapter 8

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~TIME SKIP~ (Just over two weeks of a skip)

The soft crackle of a fire and muffled words were heard. There was an odd taste in your mouth. You felt weird all over your body, like pins and needles. You began gaining movement, bit by bit and you managed to sit yourself up and open your eyes. The room was unfamiliar, but it felt comfortable. You looked down to see what you're waking up on. You gasp, seeing your naked body looking back up at you. You pull the blankets up to cover yourself.
"Where am I..." You mumble. "And who's bed is this..."
You scan the room, looking for something to put on your bare body. You look back at the bed, noticing how pale your hands got, deadly pale. Your face scrunched up as you looked around the room again. Everything looked so small... You seemed to be alone so you attempted to get to your feet. Your whole body looked pale and it was suddenly covered in stretch marks around your tummy, hips and butt. You straightened your back and gasped. Your head was close to the ceiling and above the doorway.
"What the fuck..." You mumble, looking at your new body. You went silent, trying to take everything in, your new height, your new surroundings... You sat back down again and questioned how you got here. All you could remember is the stinging pain in your side... From that thought, your eyes darted without your consent to look at your side. On your right side was, what looked like a scar. A knife wound? You startle at the sudden sound of the door creaking open. A woman in white walked in, having to duck down through the door. You push yourself back into the bed and covered yourself, even your head.
"Y/N?" The voice said softly. Your grip softened on the bed covers as you heard the voice. You gently peeped your head out from the covers. Your eyes scan the figure, all the way up to her face. The figure's lips formed into a smile. It can't be...
"Hi, Y/N."
"Alcina?" You mumble, sitting up. She nodded, still holding her smile. You jumped out of the bed and threw your arms around her.
"Hi!" She exclaimed, kissing your forehead. You looked at her face.
"You're alive!"
"Yep, here I am."
You chuckle and cup Alcina's face. She leaned against your hand.
"What happened to us?"
Alcina sighed.
"Remember I told you about that doctor that can cure my disease? Well, this is what she meant... She changed us, made us stronger, gave us immortal life, made us grow quite tall... It wasn't what I thought she'd do."
Your shoulders drop and a small frown appears on your face. Alcina looked at you.
"I'm sorry you were dragged into this..."
"Don't worry about it..." You reply. Alcina kissed your cheek and went to your ear.
"Do you need some clothes?"
You giggle. She must have noticed your naked self.
"That would be nice, yeah."
Alcina nodded and parted from you, ducking down to see into the wardrobe. You watch her.
"Your butt looks nice in that dress. I can finally see it."
Alcina looked over her shoulder at you and stuck her tongue out. She picks up a folded white dress.
"This was too small for me so it will probably fit you."
Alcina stood her full height again and offered you the dress.
"There's some underwear in there too, okay?"
You nod. Alcina smiled and sat on the bed. You began to change. The dress looked exactly like Alcina's. You two can match!
"Where are we?" You ask.
"In some castle that's cut off from the rest of the world."
You raise an eyebrow. Alcina shrugged. You sigh and step into the dress.
"I'm going to be completely honest with you but I miss my own castle, my own home."
"I miss my own too."
Alcina looks up and meets your eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you need help?"
"Well, yeah. I could actually use some help to button this thing up."
Alcina giggled and went to help you.
"How tall are we, we must be massive."
"Well, I was measured and I was 9'6"."
"9'6"?! Really?!"
"M-hm. You're probably close to that."
Alcina chuckled. Alcina went silent and had a look of concentration on her face.
"Right, all done." She smiled. You turn to her with a smile.
"Thank you."
She smiled and kissed your lips.
"What about shoes?" You ask. Alcina slapped her forehead.
"You don't need them, yet."
You laugh.
"I was only getting at you."
Alcina rolled her eyes and giggled.
"Come on, I want to show you about the castle."
You nod as Alcina's took your hand.
"Remember to duck through the doors."
"Yeah yeah." You chuckle. Alcina tuts and ducked down and left the room. You follow and gasp.
"Wait until you see the main hall." Alcina smirked, squeezing your hand.
"Why, what's in it?"
"It's not what's in it, it's what it looks like."
You shake your head and smile. Alcina walks up a few steps and you follow. Up those steps was the main hall. You gasp. A vast chandelier was in the centre of the room, lighting up every corner of the hall.
"Wow..." You mumble.
"Cool, right?"
"It's breath-taking."
"And this is all ours now." Alcina smirked. You look at her in disbelief.
"It is. It's ours."
Your jaw dropped.
Your sudden cheer made Alcina burst into laughter. You laugh too. Your laughs echoed throughout the main hall.

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now