Chapter 1

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Hi, if you're actually reading this, I hope you enjoy. I only wrote this because I have nothing else to do. Any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes are all my fault and I apologise. Anyway, bye! <3

Here's what these things mean: (Just if you don't know)
Y/N- Your name (e.g Hollie)
L/N- Last name (e.g Dimitrescu)
E/C- Eye colour (e.g green)
H/C- Hair colour (e.g brown)

This character is a female, whatever normal height you desire and the owner of your castle, Castle L/N. Your character is 42 years old and Lady Alcina just turned 44 not too long ago.

"My Lady, are you almost ready?" Called your maid, standing outside your door.
"Almost. Please tell the guests I'll be another minute!"
"Okay, my Lady."
Your maid walked through your hallways down to the grand hall, where the guests where.
"Lady L/N shall be down in a moment."
The guests nod, all but one. One of the guests is someone you have never met before, Lady Dimitrescu's husband. You knew the marriage was planned because Alcina would never chose to marry anyone, it's just who she is. Her new husband, Darius is quite dominant and sometimes rude. The man wants everything his way, or no way at all. You've heard all the conflict between them about last names and how Alcina refused to use his surname. It spread around the kingdoms like a virus and they've only been married a month! It's honestly frustrating hearing it all. You and your husband remained silent with arguments and fall outs but all of Alcina and Darius's conflict was somehow spread among the kingdoms. You guess it's just that they're newly married.
"Breathe in, Madame." The maid said, breaking your thoughts. You prepared for the last tug of the corset. You breathe in and gulp. The sudden tug was strong, making you yelp slightly.
"I'm so sorry, ma'am. The corset is only new."
"Yes, yes." You exhale, "It's fine, Elizabeth."
Suddenly and unfortunately, your husband Alexander strutted into your room. You hated when he did that, your face would scrunch up in anger every time.
"Away, Elizabeth." He spoke. Elizabeth bowed at the waist and left the room.
"Alexander, I'd prefer if you'd knock."
"Ah come on, Y/N. I'm your husband."
"I'd still prefer if you knocked."
Your husband rolled his eyes and looked at you.
"You look great."
You sigh.
"The guests are waiting, Alexander."
Your husband nodded, holding out his hand for you to take. You took it, hating the feeling of his hand in yours. His hand felt so rough compared to yours. Your hands were feminine and soft while his was masculine and rough, some dirt would remain under his nails for days until he has a bath, which is mostly once a week. You sigh and walk out of your room and out through your plant filled hallways. Two maids pushed open the doors to the grand hall to let you and your husband through. Ugh, you hated this, you always had to be introduced to others with your husband beside you, and you can't meet your friends without him going along with you. This is probably because your mother told him about the time you were found kissing a female villager when you were 15, under the village bridge. Your mother instantly began looking for a husband. Your family is known for marrying young anyway, late teens majority of the time. You hated your family for that. The guests sudden looks took you off your thoughts.
"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. L/N." Darius said, bowing at the waist. Here we go again... You offer your hand to him. He gently kissed the back of your hand and lay a hand on top.
"Your castle is breath-taking, my Lady."
"Thank you, Mr. Andrei."
He smiled and took his hand off yours and spoke to your husband. You sigh and look at Alcina, standing next to him. She looked horrible, forced. Your attention suddenly turned to your husband, taking the man away for a drink. Alcina remains with you. You smile.
"How is everything at home, Lady Dimitrescu?"
You lean against the staircase. Alcina sighed.
"I hate it."
Your face scrunched up in confusion.
"How so?"
"Darius. He's changing the whole castle to his own taste. It's absolutely disgusting, my father designed that castle!"
"Have you told him that?"
"I have not! He constantly reminds me that he's in control. I hate it. If I told him that, he'll go off and expect me to apologise to him."
You nod, looking down at the marble floor. A short and comfortable silence fell between you and the lady.
"Your garden is looking quite well." Alcina said, "Quite bright."
"Thank you. I've been out quite a lot with them recently, I can finally take a break."
"Your work is showing."
You smile and nod as a thank you.
"I've gotten quite the tan."
The lady did a quiet chuckle. You smile once more and turn your gaze to your husband and Darius. They held large pint glasses in their hands and hit them off each other. You suddenly had a thought.
"Would you like a glass of wine?"
The lady turned to you.
"Please, that would be lovely."
You nod and walk towards the table. You picked up two glasses and filled them with your family wine, secret recipe. You took a glass over to the Countess.
"Thank you, Lady L/N."
You nod. You gently hit our glass of hers, muttering "cheers". You take a sip, trying to avoid smudging your lipstick. You watch the Countess to your right drink your family's wine.
"Well?" You ask with a teasing smirk. "Better than the Dimitrescu wine?"
The lady giggled, turning to you.
"Oh never. Dimitrescu wine would win over this."
"Pfft, stop lying."
"I don't lie, Lady L/N."
You roll your eyes and sigh.
"Fine, your family wine may be better than mine but you must agree, they're the best ones out there."
"Okay, I shall give you that, Y/N."
You smirk and laugh.
"You're very giddy today, Lady L/N." Alcina said, her gaze on her husband over the other side of the room.
"I'm just happy to have everyone around again. I know it was only a month and a week since you were last here but now there's someone Alexander can hang around with. I can get a break."
"I can finally get a break from Darius too. He drives me insane some days."
You shake your head with a smile.
"I think Alexander and Darius will be great friends."
You and the lady laugh.


Oh, oh my. Almost (or even over) 1,000 words. I think that's enough for the first bit. I don't know if I'll ever continue this but I hope I do. If you actually read this, wow. Here's a medal 🏅 <3

&quot;We Are The Dimitrescu Family.&quot; Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now