Chapter 24

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"You two were married before? How pathetic." Heisenberg comments. Alcina took a deep breath and rubbed her wrist. You know she's going to snap in any second.
"Heisenberg, that's enough." Mother Miranda says, keeping an eye on him.
"Yes, Mother Miranda."
"Anyway, I'd like to discuss something with you all in the dining room."
Everyone nods and heads towards the dining room. The daughters flew off.
"See you later, mum, mother."
"Will do. Be good." You reply. Heisenberg lingered behind, waiting to go last. Alcina instantly prepared to snap. Donna walks past after Moreau, now leaving Heisenberg behind.
"How pathetic." He comments. Alcina summoned her claws and before you could stop her, she swipes them at Heisenberg's face, twice.
"ALCINA!" You gasp, pulling her back. Everyone run out, even the nearby maidens.
"What is going on here?!" Mother Miranda asks, seeing the blood on the floor. Alcina spits on him.
"Alcina, calm down-" You pleaded.
Mother Miranda's yell made Alcina fall silent. Heisenberg covered his face with his hands, blood seeping through this fingers. You stood in shock, not believing what you just witnessed. Alcina retracted her claws and folded her arms. She didn't seem to regret it anyway...
"You-you bitch!" Heisenberg objected. Mother Miranda took Heisenberg aside and looked at his wounds. Alcina rolled her eyes. You sigh.
"That was a bit... much."
Alcina looked at you.
"Tell me you wouldn't do the same thing?"
Alright, you would try shut him up.
"But not that violently."
Alcina rolled her eyes. Moreau and Donna stood looking out of place.
"I'll be in the dining room, Mother." Moreau said, walking off.
"I-" Donna spoke, "I'll join Moreau."
Mother Miranda sat Heisenberg down and looked at his face. You didn't know what to do. Alcina remained silent. You looked over at Heisenberg and had a glimpse of his face. It was blood soaked and his face was torn up quite badly. It looked horrible.
"Alright, I will have to discuss this later. Heisenberg needs instant care."

Later that same evening, you were sitting on your bed with Alcina, both of you had a glass of wine.
"That was a lot, earlier."
Alcina rolled her eyes.
"He deserved it."
Alcina looked at you and put her book down. You looked into her eyes.
"What's done is done, N/N."
You remain silent and look away. Alcina takes your chin and turns you back to were you were.
"Now that the daughters are asleep, we can continue what we were doing earlier."
You smirk.
"That's a wonderful idea."
Alcina smirked and pressed her lips against yours. You sit up onto her lap.

Over the mountains, Darius and Alexander were almost home. The castles were just ahead.
"What did they do with you?" Darius asked the guard sitting behind with Alexander.
"They threw me into the cellars. It was dark and horrible under there."
"I can imagine. You look horrible yourself, I'm sure Alexander will let you have a deserved break."
Alexander nodded.
"As long as you need."
"Thank you, my lord."
Alexander shrugged. It went silent for a few steps, until Alexander spoke.
"And I'm surprised they have maidens. I never thought people would serve them, especially now."
"Maybe they had no choice." Said Darius.
As soon as they entered castle grounds, maidens rushed out to aid them back into the castle. The guard was given instant care.

Everything settled between you and your ex-husbands from over the mountains. It was quiet now, except for when Angie would visit. Time zoomed by, and you never even noticed. You've settled in with your new family and settled with your new job, well, Mother Miranda requested you to try keep Alcina and Heisenberg apart, to avoid further instances from happening. Heisenberg's face has healed, but it's scarred. He isn't going to forget about them for a while.
"N/N, Sadie's calling you."
You lift your face from Alcina's chest and got to your feet.
"I'll be one moment."
Sadie was calling you from the wine room. You walked in and gasp.
"What the hell happened?!"
"We were playing hide and seek and Bela was the seeker, I hid in here and she found me and I got scared and I accidentally knocked two bottles over... don't tell Mother."
You look at the mess and nod.
"Alright, we'll clean this up as quick as possible."
"You're the best, thanks mum."
You smile and pat Sadie's head.
"I hate this wine anyway."
Sadie giggles. You grab the nearest towel, which was sitting on the table. You throw it over the spilled wine and let it soak. It was more than you expected.
"Are you sure you spilled two?"
"Yeah, none of the other bottles are damaged."
You nod.
"And where's Bela right now?"
"She ran off."
You roll your eyes.
"Can you fetch her? She's going to clean this up with you, not me."
Sadie nodded and burst into her flies. The towel absorbed majority of the wine, but not all of it. You need another one. You opened the door and looked for a maiden. One turned the corner, freezing at the sight of you leaning out the wine room door.
"Can you possibly fetch me a towel?"
The maiden nodded and scurried off.
"Am I really that intimidating?" You ask yourself. While waiting for the maiden to bring another towel, Bela and Sadie appeared.
"Mum, I'm so sorry, I- I didn't mean-"
"Bela, relax. I'm not angry at you. It was a simple mistake. Just don't run away from the scene like you did."
"Yes mum."
"You'll clean up the last bit of wine before your mother sees this."
The maiden arrived back, holding a clean towel in her hands. She handed it to Bela, who held her hands out. The maiden bows at the waist then leaves again. You step back into the wine room and let Bela and Sadie back in.
"Alright, try wipe away everything. You can give the dirty towels to a maiden, they'll go and clean them."
Bela went right to work.
"Thanks Mum."
"You're welcome, Bela. Just take this as a lesson."

Sigh, I currently have no ideas for this story and I'm thinking of doing a time skip ahead a few years. I just need the readers opinion. Should I skip ahead a good amount of years, so I can write towards something similar to Re8's game plot or find some ideas? Right now, they're in the year 1958 and I'm really considering jumping ahead to 1999 then work to 2021. Besides, 24 chapters is a lot and I don't want to drag out this story too much, ya know? Let me know in the comments, I would really appreciate it! Lots of love!

&quot;We Are The Dimitrescu Family.&quot; Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora