Chapter 30

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Hello everyone! As I always say, happy Friday! Now, hope everyone enjoys this chapter but this will be the last chapter of the year! I'll be back in the new year, duh! Christmas is always busy with me and the massive family I have. I hope everyone here has a great Christmas, if you celebrate it but if you don't, I wish you a happy new year and a great December. Enjoy and I love you all! <3 (I've been quite productive recently so I already have up to chapter 33 done! Can finally take a week or so to chillax 😎)

"Now, I want you all to take good care of these. They are important. Also, one other thing I forgot... Now that I've found the perfect vessel, I no longer need the village. I've sent out our lycans to kill them all."
You had enough and got to your feet.
"Mother Miranda, are you serious?!"
Miranda looked up at you.
"Dead serious."
"Wha- Kill a whole village just because of this baby?"
"Yes. Are you questioning my ways?"
"No- but are you sure?"
"Y/N, sit back down."
"What if the baby doesn't work and the whole village is gone?"
"She. Will. Work. Now, sit down!"
You sit back down and cross your legs.
"I have a bad feeling about this..." You mumble.
"Now go, all of you. Find a safe place to put those flasks. I will summon you all back here in a few hours. Keep your comments at home."
Miranda shot you a glare. You get to your feet again and walk out with the others. Alcina walks beside you.
"N/N, are you okay?"
You sigh.
"Something just feels wrong about this."
"Y/N, we'll be fine."
"I hope you're right."

"Where am I?"
After heavy bush, Castle Dimitrescu and the village sat ahead of him. Ethan Winters, alive. He entered the village, which was in ruins after the lycans.
"What happened here..."
Bodies littered the ground and blood was spilled everywhere. Ethan kept a close eye on his surroundings as he ventured the village.

"Mum, Mother! You are back!" Sadie said, greeting you two at the door.
"Hey, Sadie." You say, with a small smile. "How were things when we were away?"
Sadie studied you closely.
"Mum, you seem off."
You sigh.
"It's nothing for you flies to worry about."
You messed up Sadie's hair as you pass.
"I'll just find somewhere to place this." Alcina said, walking ahead.
"Sure. Should we tell them?"
Alcina sighs and nods.
"Best to inform them."
"Alright. I'll gather them all now."
Alcina nods and continues ahead.
"Bela, Cassandra, Daniela?! You're needed in the dining room!"
You sat at the table and waited for Alcina and the girls. They arrive, Alcina the last. She sits.
"Okay. You might have heard the chaos down in the village..." You begin. Bela nodded.
"It sounded bad."

"Do you have a gun?"

"Indeed. Well, lycans were released on the whole village. Mother Miranda found someone perfect to be reborn into her daughter. We've told you that mission before."

"Please tell me you have a gun!"
"No, why would I?

"Not going to lie, I'm sick of hearing it." Cassandra mumbled.
"She has no more use of the village so she's destroying it. That flask you seen Alcina holding contained a piece of the vessel. Rose... One of four. So yeah, the whole process was a little disturbing."

"N-no, stay back!"

"When is she planning on getting her daughter back?" Daniela asked.
"We're insure. We'll be going to another meeting later." Alcina replies.

"What the hell was that..."

"Off you go girls. Be good."
"Yes, mum."
"Anyway, wine?"

"There's no end to them!"
He was running low on ammo.
"Oh, Christ..."
He made a run for it, out down to the river. A arrow went right into his leg, which brought him to the ground. Lycans surrounded him, mounted lycans, armed lycans and Uriaş. Ethan gulps and prepares for the worst as Uriaş went right up to his face. But Uriaş' attention suddenly changed to something else. He runs off, the other lycans following.

The phone rang.
"Fucking hell..."
"Right, I'll get it."
Alcina got to her feet and answered.
"Meeting, now."
She hangs up. Alcina sighs.
You nod and get to your feet. You head back to where you were earlier.
"Sit." Said Miranda. "We must wait for Heisenberg."
You sigh. This will be a while.

It was. Heisenberg finally arrived, after what felt like ages. He brought something, or someone with him. Ethan.
"Look who I found."
Miranda looks surprised.
"Who is he?" You ask.
"Ethan Winters... He lives."
Heisenberg tied him up to avoid him escaping. Suddenly, lycans watched from above.
"Alright, everyone is here." Miranda began, "I did tests and Rose is perfect. She has a connection to the Megamycete somehow. But now that Heisenberg took in Mr. Winters, we need to dispose of him. Who thinks they should have him?"
You haven't had man flesh in a good while... Maybe you should have him. Alcina speaks.
"The man is no real use to anyone else. And we do so love, entertaining foreigners. Furthermore, I can assume you if you entrust the mortal to house Dimitrescu. Y/N and I, along with our daughters shall deliver you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood."
Angie and Moreau were up in Ethan's face.
"Out of the way ugly!" Angie says, pushing Moreau aside. "I want to see- Oh!"
Ethan's eyes open slightly.
"You mean-" Heisenberg speaks, "Y-You mean-"
"He's awa-aake!"
"Both of you, shut the fuck up!"
Angie and Moreau go silent.
"What? Where..." Ethan mumbles. Heisenberg continues.
"You mean you'll screw around with him in private and where's the fun in that?"
"Heisenberg, we're gay-" You began, but you were interrupted.
"Give him to me and I'll put on a show everyone can enjoy."
"Ugh, so gauche." You say, "what do we care for bread and circuses?"
Alcina joins.
"The man-things suffering is assured, regardless."
"Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle- blah, blah, blah."
Moreau chuckles.
"I've heard all your arguments." Miranda said, "Some of you were less persuasive than others but... I've made my decision. Heisenberg, the man's fate is in your hands."
Alcina gets to her feet.
"Mother Miranda, I must protest. Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to us, and we will assure he is ready."
Heisenberg stands.
"Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else!"
You pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Oh god, not this..."
As long as Alcina doesn't give Karl another scar, it's all good...

&quot;We Are The Dimitrescu Family.&quot; Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now