Chapter 27

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Well, well, well. Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone is well! I feel like the weeks are flying in! It'll soon be Christmas! EEEEEEEEE, apologies. Anyway, next chapter, let's go!


"This castle is nice." Cassandra said, following you through the halls towards the chatting.
"They moved the photo of you, Mum." Sadie pointed out.
"Blast that old man anyway." You say. The sound of chatter got louder and louder.
"How can I forget, Lupu? They were quite intimidating. Their height is a whole different story."
You paused at the door, your hand on the handle. Alcina came up behind you and assured that everything will be fine.
The door handle opened. You stepped in. Darius turns to you and almost faints. His eyes widen.
Alcina walked in behind you with the girls. Darius took a cautious step back.
"The whole family, huh?"
"We got your message..." You say, "It's the least we can do."
"Well, thank you."
Mr. Lupu and the others studied your family. Stares, lovely.
"Ehm, would you like a drink?"
"No Darius, thank you."
Darius nodded. It got pretty awkward quite quickly.
"You're welcome to walk around the castle."
That took your attention, but you had something to do first.
"I must see Alexander."
"He's in next door."
You nod and walk towards the church door. Yes, there was a church in your castle. Alcina tagged along behind you, avoiding the awkwardness.
"Oh my..." You say, looking over him.
"He got quite wrinkly."
You slap her shoulder.
"You would look similar if you were that age!"
"I'm joking!"
You huff and cross your arms.
"He still looks like he did those years ago..."
"Just a bit more winkle-"
"Alcina, can you not?"
There was a gentle knock on the door and in walked Sadie.
"Mum, Mother, Darius said this was left for you, from Alexander."
Sadie handed you a envelope and another to Alcina. Yours was sealed with your old family crest.
"Leave us, Sadie dear."
Sadie left without another word. Alcina already had hers open, reading the letter. You opened yours, revealing a handwritten letter from Darius. You were expecting it to be from Alexander, to be honest. Alcina's letter had his writing on it, not yours. You read the letter.
'Dear Y/N,
Before Alexander's unfortunate passing, we created this plan. We found yours and Alcina's wedding rings. We thought, as they're no longer any use to us, you two could make better use of them.
Inclosed with this letter is Alcina's. I know she may look at it with me in mind, but make her think it's you.
If you two don't agree with our plan, don't go ahead with it. It's up to you guys. They probably don't even fit... So we included two chains, to wear the rings as necklaces.
Best of wishes,
Darius Andrei.'

You pick the ring from the bag and look at Alcina. Your ring was in her hands along with the chain. Silently, you reached out your hand and the ring was in it.
"Keep it."
You meet her eyes.
Alcina swiftly threaded the chain through your ring and put it around her neck. She took the chain from your palm and did the same with her own.
You do so. Alcina puts the chain around your neck.
"There, all done."
You turn to face her with a smile.
"Thank you."
Alcina kissed your forehead.
"Come on, let's go back."
When you two walked back in, Darius smiled, noticing the rings around your neck.
"Well?" Mr. Lupu asked, raising a brow.
"He changed, a lot." You reply.
"Ladies, would you two like some wine?" Darius asked.
"I'll fetch some now."
After Darius left the room, Mr. Lupu glared at you and Alcina.
"Why did you come."
You look at him.
"Why did you come?"
Confusion was plastered on your face.
"Because we could?"
"Not after what you did to us all."
Alcina joins.
"Excuse me?"
"You two," He pointed his stick, "whenever you two waddled off together, we were blamed for your disappearance."
"You found us and tried to murder us." You say, folding your arms.
"Yes, we tried. They, the poliţie (police/guards), didn't believe us at all. They laughed to our faces!"
"Oh please." Alcina said with a sigh.
"But now they will."
Silence. A smirk forms on his lips. Cautiously, you summoned your daughters near.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"They're coming. They'll be in the door in any second."
You and Alcina get to your feet.
"They'll finally see that we were right..."
Alcina grabs your arm and walks towards the exit. Your daughters follow, staying close together.
"There's no use." Mr. Lupu says, laughing. Alcina dashes to the door, but Mr. Lupu was correct. The poliţie came through the door.
"Ah, so happy to have you here." Mr. Lupu says, greeting the poliţie warmly. They study your family with their jaws on the floor.
"Believe me now?" Mr. Lupu asked teasingly. The poliţie are speechless.
Alcina's grip on your arm remains strong.
"Daughters, go. We'll see you outside." Alcina says, standing aside. The daughters burst into their swarms of flies and escape through the door.
"Drop any weapons!" The poliţie ask, pointing weapons at you and Alcina. You glare at Mr. Lupu, who smirked back at you. Suddenly, two wine glasses crashing takes everyone's attention. Darius stood, in shock.
"What's going on..."
"This was a trap, I knew it." Alcina seethed. Her anger was heard clearly as she spoke. She took a side look at you then looked ahead.
"Let us go... immediately."
"No way! We will no longer be called liars!"
You felt Alcina's anger and prepared for her to snap.
"Let us go old man, or it will be your funeral next."
The poliţie tightened the grips on their weapons and pointed them at Alcina.
"Everyone please!" Darius said, stepping ahead.
"Stay back." You say, "Alcina, please."
Alcina lets go of you and gives you a look you never expected to retrieve from her. It was full with anger. It hurt...
"I'm sick of this." Alcina says, summoning her claws. "Get out of our way."
Just as Alcina went to swipe at the poliţie, they shot their guns. A cloud of smoke surrounded her but died down as she stood out from it, unaffected.
"Is that all?" She asked, "how pathetic."
She swiped and cleared a path.
"Come on." She said harshly, grabbing you by the dress. She dragged you out before you could say another word.

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now