Chapter 7

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A few days later, you were sitting in the library. You had one of your favourite books in your hand and a glass of wine in the other. Sadie sat in the other chair opposite you.
"I seriously hate reading aloud, Sadie." You mumble with a chuckle.
"No, you're doing well!"
You roll your eyes and began to read on. Sadie looked at you admiringly.
"She turned to the beast, meeting it's praying eyes-"
"Y/N." Alexander said, bursting into the room. You look at him.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Alcina."
You close the book and jump to your feet.
"Can I..." You ask. Alexander nodded, standing out of the way of the door.
"Can I come?" Sadie asked. You shake your head and kiss her forehead.
"I'm sorry but no."
Sadie frowned and nodded. You run out of the room and go to the stables. You jumped onto Finn bare back and turned to leave but the gate wasn't open.
"Right Bud, we need to clear that gate."
Finn looks at you for a minute then picks up a canter. You prepare for the jump and give him a push just before the gate. Finn cleared the fence and landed on the grass. You sigh with relief as you manage to stay on.
"Good boy!" You coo. You squeeze with your knees to speed Finn up to a gallop. Finn picked up from you that the occasion was urgent so he galloped as fast as he could.
"Steady, Finn. Don't worry!" You say, patting his neck. He slowed down slightly, to a comfortable speed of a gallop. Throughout the whole ride, your hands were in Finn's mane. There was no reins, so you had to indicate the direction with your legs but luckily Finn has a good idea of where Castle Dimitrescu is. The castle was seen ahead, so you asked Finn to slow down. He took you to the front steps of the castle and halted. You dismount and give him a pat.
"You know where to go." You smile and turn on your heel, into the castle. You meet some of Dimitrescu's maidens.
"Lady L/N, thank you for coming." The maiden smiled. You nod.
"Where's Lady Dimitrescu?" You ask.
"Please, follow me."
You follow the maid to Alcina's room. The door was open slightly, you heard the mumbles of masculine voices. The maiden knocks of the door with the tip of her knuckles.
"Come in." One of the voices replied. The maid opened the door and lead you inside. You gasp when you see Alcina, pale and lifeless. The two men in the room bowed.
"Lady L/N." They mumble. You nod, to both of them.
"How is she?" You ask, crouching down next to Alcina's bed. One of men sigh. He held his hands together.
"She's not doing well, my Lady."
The words hit you hard, like a knife was stabbed into your heart. You look at Alcina's face and bite back tears.
"I'm so sorry, Lady L/N. Her time is coming to an end."
You nod, wiping away the escapee tear. You take Alcina's limp hand in your own. Her hand was cold, uncomfortably cold. Her hands were usually so warm...
"Are you sure there is nothing to help her?" You ask, trying to hide your hurt from the men behind you.
"I'm sorry but no. We must let her go, as peacefully as possible."
You nod again, this time having no control over your tears.
"We'll leave you here for a few minutes, Lady L/N." The other mumbled, bowing as they left.
"Thank you."
You bring your lips to the back of Alcina's hand. Your lips felt cold as they met Alcina's skin. You looked back up at Alcina, studying her lifeless face. Her face always had a beautiful colour, all year around and her lips. Her lips, without makeup, were a beautiful shade of reddish pink but now, they looked a pale pink. You bring your lips up to Alcina's and kiss them, again feeling cold. You take your hand off Alcina's and pull a chair over. You sat on it and took Alcina's hand again. You looked for the rise and fall of her chest. It's there, but it was slow. Your eyes looked back at her face and you began to imagine her face full of life and colour. You imagine her wrinkles next to her eyes when she smiles, that one crooked tooth in the back of her mouth, the way her lips turned upward when she sees you, her golden eyes and... her body. Her strong shoulders, her back, her stretch marks, which you adored and her little bit of a tummy.
"You're so gorgeous." You mumble, looking down at Alcina's pale hands. You sigh.

You spent the rest of the day at Castle Dimitrescu. In the evening, you invited Sadie over to see Bella and Alcina. You'd be up at Alcina's side for majority of the time, when Bella and Sadie would visit now and again. At 8pm, the doctors came up to Alcina's room.
"Lady L/N." They said. You got to your feet and faced them, they looked sad.
"Lady L/N, there's a high chance that Lady Dimitrescu will pass during the night..."
You felt that stabbing pain in your heart again.
"We just came up to say our last goodbyes. We suggest you do so too, my lady."
You nod, not wanting to cry again. You stood aside, watching as the doctors bid their last farewell to Alcina. They were crying themselves, which didn't help you, who was trying not to cry. The doctors soon turned to you.
"We're so sorry, Lady L/N. You clearly mean a lot to Lady Dimitrescu."
You nod, beginning to cry.
"Please forgive me, doctors. I feel so vulnerable at this given moment." You say, a small chuckle escaping you. The doctors smile.
"Losing someone is quite a vulnerable time, Lady L/N. Don't ever apologise for having emotions."
You nod, wiping your eyes. The doctors sigh and bow at the waist.
"We shall see you around, Lady L/N."
"You will."
You smile and watch them leave. Sadie and Bella waddle in the door, the minute you burst into tears.
"My Lady!" Sadie gasped, catching you just as your knees weakened. You looked at Sadie and messed up her hair.
"Thank you for breaking my fall." You chuckle, your voice shaky from your sobs.
"No problem. Are you okay?"
You nod, getting back up to your feet with Sadie's assistance. You sat back down on the chair next to Alcina. Bella and Sadie walk up and stand next to you. You look at them.
"How is your evening, despite that Alcina is... ehm."
"It's okay, Y/N." Sadie replied, taking your hand. You look back at Alcina. Your heart still felt that pain, it wasn't leaving. You looked at Alcina's face again and blinked away tears. Sadie leaned her head against your shoulder. Sadie was as close as a daughter to you and her comforting body contact made you relax.
"You two are like mother and daughter." Bella said with a giggle.
"True that." You laugh, along with Sadie. You three chuckle and giggle for a minute but then fall into a comfortable silence. You checked the clock in the room and gasp.
"You need to get to sleep, Sadie."
"I want to stay here. You're staying here, aren't you?"
You sigh.
"Fine. Don't make any noise."
Sadie nodded with a smile.
"Now shoo." You chuckle.

"We Are The Dimitrescu Family." Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now