No Rest for the Wicked

Start from the beginning

"Trashykawa! Are you listening?"

Oikawa perked up to the voice, "Yes Iwa-chan?"

"I said, don't stay late to practice. Everyone -including the coach- agrees that you need to rest. Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?"

Oikawa pouted. "I have actually, and I look absolutely glorious."

"You really don't." Yana joined in the conversation. "You look like an emaciated zombie."

"Yana-chan! You are supposed to say I look beautiful as always." Oikawa clutched his heart in faux heartbreak.

Yana just shook her head and sighed. She liked him; she really did. But sometimes he needed to take care of himself more. She raised an eyebrow. "And you are supposed to take a rest day."

Yana tensed as she noticed Oikawa's face turn even paler, as if he had been painted in white. "Hajime, get the coach!" Yana scrambled to grab Oikawa's body just as he crumpled like a puppet suddenly released from his strings. "Ah shit, you are heavier than I thought." Yana wobbled as she held him up.

"Tooru! Tooru! Hey! Wake up!"


Oikawa's eyesight blurred, but not because tears were welling up. His vision became fuzzy; then not even a fraction of a second later he saw nothing at all. Oikawa felt like he was floating in an empty space filled with thick static as his senses left one by one. He could hear his heartbeat pound loudly in his own ears as he felt his body be drained away. Everything disappeared.


The rest of the team hastily crowded around to assist her with the commotion. Matsukawa carefully took the unconscious boy from Yana and gently laid him down on the makeshift towel bed -courtesy of the other members. The Coach, Hajime and the school nurse came running to assess Oikawa's body. Thankfully, since Yana had caught him, Oikawa didn't have a concussion, but that wasn't the main cause for concern. It was the fainting that really gave everyone quite a scare.

- ----AFTERSCHOOL-----

To say that Yana and Hajime were worried was an understatement. Yana sighed as she walked beside Hajime, she pursed her lips and made a face like she had tasted something bitter. The school nurse had told them that it was just fatigue and that he will be completely fine and functioning after he wakes up. Though he would need to take time to rest properly. The only problem was, both Yana and Hajime knew that there was no way that Oikawa would give up practice time to relax.

"Ah crap." Yana stopped abruptly.

"What is it?"

Yana groaned and unzipped her bag looking through it. "I left my volleyball notebook in my club locker." After confirming that it wasn't in her bag, she waved to Hajime and made her way to the gym. "Don't wait up for me!"

Hajime was about to protest but Yana had already left.


As Yana approached, she heard the sound of bouncing. Originally, she assumed it would be some other club using the court, but it certainly didn't sound like there was more than one person inside. Should I check it out?

To access the club lockers, she didn't have to go into the gym. Yana did consider leaving the sound alone but there was this churning feeling in her gut that she really didn't like. The bounces didn't sound like basketballs, or dodgeballs, heck there was far too little sound for it to even be multiple people. Yana's curiosity got the better of her. She crept closer to the large red doors and snuck a peek.

"Tooru!?" Yana played with the thought that he would be practicing but never really expected she would be right. No, Yana might have believed she was right, but she didn't want to be. Standing at the serve line of the court stood Oikawa.

"Ya-hoo~ Nice timing." He flashed a smile. While he did look considerably better than earlier, he still didn't look as healthy as usual. "Do you want to receive some serves for me?"

"What? No! Don't you 'ya-hoo~' me. Tooru, what are you doing here?! You should be at home resting!"

"But Yana-chan, we only have a month left to practice and we have a practice match in a few days! I can't just waste time doing nothing." Oikawa held the ball still in his hands, his playful tone no longer present.

Yana cursed the choices made by the 'Yana from a few minutes ago'. This would be a lot easier if she had brought along Hajime. "Look, I get that you really want to practice as much as you can, but you need to take care of yourself."

"I am."

"Tooru! You passed out this morning because you weren't taking care of yourself." Yana had tried so many times to get it through his head that rest was just as important as practice. But each time nothing she said had stuck.

Oikawa waved her away, completely unbothered by her words "That was just a one off. Besides, I have to work hard so I can stay ahead of the game and be better than Tobio-chan."

Yana was almost speechless. Is this what all this hard work was for? His pride as a Setter and as a player depended on one sole person's defeat. "Do you even enjoy volleyball anymore?"

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