Epilogue-Men are men

Start from the beginning

"Mama! That's the pregnancy test kit!" I replied simply.

"Seriously!" there was a silence, a gross and heavy silence, and then she questioned me silently, "Are you pregnant?"

I wet my lips, "Actually, mama I think this is..." I stared at Nisha. Uff! They recently shared their first kiss. And kiss will never pregnant a woman. Then my eyes land on Granny. "Maybe it's..it's Granny's!" Anu choked on her saliva while Nisha on her juice sip.

I rephrased those words and shook my head vigorously, "No. No. I mean-" I stopped as I heard a thud of Granny landing heavily on my bed with her hands clamped against her heart.

"This girl will give me heart stroke!"

"I mean Mama," oh, God! Why I had to keep it openly. Firstly, the topic of being pregnant is itself undigestible to me and now this interrogation. I saw Anu, smiling at me then I remembered and phrased words, "this is Anu's which Granny brought last night and showed me then left here, Isn't it Granny?" I threw a Gippsland earthworm size fib and tilt my head at Granny and beg her with pleading eyes to say yes. Anu got positive just a week ago, and along with others Dr. Ishaan gyrated with enthusiasm. Now when he will hear that he is going to be a father, I am sure he will be flying in the air.

"I don't remember, doing test last night and when it is confirmed a week ago, why should I do repeatedly!" She reprimanded and smirked at me with her brows waggling once she finished speaking. I pursed my lips in anger. She is not helping me out.


"Mama, I may probably be pregnant and it's hundred percent sure to be of Dr. Ishaan's!"

"Seriously, you are pregnant!" Granny reckoned with a beam on her face. Mama cleared her throat that made Granny normalize her expressions.

She walked to me, stood a foot distance away. "Mama, I am sorry!" Suddenly I was thrust into a bear hug by Mama.

"I am happy for you, Ishika. And Ishaan will be an excellent father!" she affirmed so easily, as she has a mount Everest size trust in him. That moron won my Mama's heart by dressing as female, whose memories still make to laugh by rolling over the floor. Anu hugged from behind.

"Oye ladies, why are squeezing our Bride?" Brother Adi prying made his way in the room. However, the main reason was to eat the snacks placed on the tea table. Cause the moment he entered he grabbed a sandwich and already took a bite.

And when Granny informed, "You are going to be Uncle, Ishaan and Ishika are having their first child!" he coughed and coughed.

"Are you serious?" I nodded with a sheepish smile. "That bastard, can't he wait till the wedding! I am not going to leave him!"

"Wait, he doesn't know, yet. Even I didn't think. As I missed my periods for two months-"

"Two months!" Anu shouted, "It's not fair my kid will be younger, then!" I just shrugged my shoulders, smiling at her. She should scold Dr. Ishaan, as it was his idea to not use protection for the first time.

"Please, I want to tell him first!" I announced to everyone.

"Ok done!" Everyone sounded except Brother Adi.

"Brother Adi?" I raised my brow at him cause he has a mouth disease called blabbermouth. I don't trust him.

"I will try, as this is extremely, good news I mean...hash! Ishu!" he came and took me in his embrace. Then patted my back and kissed my right temple, his eyes glistened with tears "Shanu will be so happy. You are seriously wonderful, you are a package of happiness to him. The day when he shared about you, he described you so perfectly in one sentence as...Adi, I think Ishika is that Light, which I have been missing for years. He was so true, You are a bundle of joy to him. Thanks for loving my CCBFF and also marrying him. Whatever, he will still be my first love and I will keep third wheeling you both!" he hugged for once again and let it go.

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