I roll my eyes and make my way to school, I watch as they disappear out of the parking lot with their cars. As soon as I walk in, my first route is to the lockers. Grabbing my books, I walk into Holly's class and see her groaning and rubbing her head. "I would have thought you'd be responsible and not have drank yesterday. That's two days in a row"

She looks up and gestures to the door, I close it and walk towards her. "Shut up"

Laughing, I take a seat and get a book out. While reading I can see her eyes on mine a couple of times. "Do you want to have sex with me?" She asks sternly.

I'm speechless, "Um why are you asking?"

"Because since I've met you that's the vibe you've given off. As if you enjoy sex and only that. Have you ever been in a relationship?"

She seems to be completely serious, "Have you ever been in a relationship with a girl?" I ask her confidently.

"I see you enjoy changing the subject but to answer your questions, yes I have"

Now this is interesting, "What happened? Why end up with Joe when you could just be eating pussy forever? Who likes dick anyway?"

She smirks, "You have a penis"

"I'm the exception"

She laughs this time then groans and rubs her head again. Opening my bag, I grab some tablets and pass her my smoothie. "What's that?"

"I make it every morning. Helps to keep my body healthy and in shape I guess. It's amazing for hangovers and trust me I've had my fair share of them"

She eyes it a little longer then takes a sip, as she pops two tablets. Her face screws up and she looks at me in shock, "What the fuck did you just give me?" She says slowly and I can't tell if I'm scared and amused.

"Yeah the drink has a kick to it. Just keep drinking it. You'll be fine in a couple hours or less" She nods and the bell rings.


The lesson wasn't bad, you could tell that Holly wasn't in the mood. But by the end of it, the juice worked. She started walking around the classroom and talking more to the class. Before I left, she thanked me. As soon as I got to the lockers I watch as Courtney and her friend Chrissy walk towards me. Court looks at me with a knowing looks and takes me to the side. "So between me and you, her sister likes you a lot"

"Who's her sister?"

"Mia Flawn"

My eyes go wide, "Seriously? But wasn't she dating someone?"

Court shakes her head, "They broke up over a year ago. I was thinking that maybe you should go and talk to her. Take her out on a date or something. Unless you're already seeing someone then I completely understand"

I smile and think about it but then I remember Holly. I'm not dating her as much as I'd like to. Hmmm. "Where is she?"

She squeals and looks at Chrissy who smiles widely at me, "She does cheer with us. And we're about to go to practise"

A thought comes to mind, "Some of the guys are playing basketball in there. I think I'll join them" She squeals again and hugs me then runs off with Chrissy who waves goodbye.

When I get to the locker room, I see the various bags left by the cheerleaders indicating they are already inside. Immediately I get changed and walk into the gym. I see the boys and walk towards them, one of them being Megan's boyfriend. "Kev are you okay with me joining?"

They all turn and look at me with joy, "Fucking finally. I've been waiting for this day!"

Laughing, I grab the ball from him as he splits the team. He's the captain and a pretty great baller. Once the teams are split, I see I'm in his. The game starts and I prepare myself. Taking off my shirt, I just with just my black sports bra and shorts, with my boxer band peaking at the top. We start the game and as soon as I get the ball, I tribble it and pass it to one of my team mates who gets a clear shot and gets it.

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