
"Is it true?"

"Yes! I heard from a girl who was watching!"

"No, I mean from the official fan club!"

"They think so too!"

"It makes me so upset!"

"But it's so perfect don't you think?"

Yana heard whispers as she walked down the halls. She wasn't sure what the rumors were about, but she could take a pretty good guess with what it could be. Just as predicted, once class was over and she walked into the hallway a small group of girls stopped her.

"Iwaizumi! Is it true?!" The shortest girl furrowed her eyebrows.

"Is what true?"

"That we are dating!" Oikawa appeared behind Yana and shared a quick hug before he gave his fangirls a double peace sign. "The rumors are true indeed~!"

Yana's stomach did backflips as she heard his proud declaration. As giddy as it made her feel she didn't think people would know about their relationship so soon. It was only lunchtime. I guess that's what happens when you date someone as popular as Oikawa. She sighed internally.

"Does that mean, you guys are like, King and Queen of the court?!" The girl with wavy hair squealed.

If Yana was drinking, she would have spat, but instead she sputtered. "W-what!?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" The third girl bounced up and down and clapped her hands. "That's so cute! Well, other people might not take it well, but we definitely ship it!"

"Aw, thanks ladies. That makes me really happy. I'm sure it makes my 'Queen' feel much more comfortable too." Oikawa's voice was pleasant and emphasized the 'Queen' part of his sentence. He wanted Yana to play along.

Yana looked at Oikawa horrified at his plans. It was almost as cringey as the school cheer. She was about to ignore the invite to play but then she saw three pairs of sparkling eyes focused on her. Yana couldn't just kill their fantasy, now could she?

"Yes, It would make me feel very comfortable." Yana saw Oikawa give her a shit eating grin; he knew what she was going to say next. "My 'King..." She almost cringed outwardly but held it back. "...And I, will be heading to lunch now. We still need to eat."

Yana hastily waved goodbye to the girls and practically pulled Oikawa away with her.


The three girls squealed as both Yana and Oikawa walked away. They were absolutely elated at the turn of events. There had been speculation over what would happen but now it was confirmed.

"They just match so well. And when they stood next to each other they seemed to have sparkles surrounding them and when they spoke it was like roses would grow out of thin air." The brunette fanned herself. "I could look at them all day."


The rest of the day had gone similarly and after a week their relationship was old news and things were finally settling down. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I am multi-talented after all. Cooking is easy peasy!" Oikawa grinned proudly, the two of them had decided to get brunch together but they had forgotten to take into account that it was a holiday so most stores would be closed. They instead decided to go to Oikawa's house to make their own brunch.

Oikawa served the bacon, eggs and toast. He spent a good long while staring them down before Yana came closer to inspect his cooking. "Oikawa, it's burned." The bacon had somehow turned grey and the toast was charred to inedible. Yana wasn't sure how Oikawa managed to do it, but the eggs did not look like eggs anymore. To describe the plate bluntly it was a black and grey mess of what used to be food.

"Ah, Konpeito-chan, did you have to say it like that." Oikawa slumped down on his chair, heartbroken at his failed attempt to impress her. "Please don't eat this. Even I wouldn't." The smell of burning food soon filled the whole kitchen as if to drive the point home. Oikawa couldn't cook at all.

Yana grabbed her fork, looked for the least grey looking piece of bacon and put it in her mouth.

"Konpeito-chan! You don't have to eat that! Spit it out!"

The bacon -if it could still be called that- tasted more like a rubbery salted mass. It was an absolute disaster. The smell alone made her nose crinkle, but the taste was worse. Oikawa had managed to make the 'bacon' chewy and hard at the same time, but that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that it was greasier than usual. All of Yana's mouth was telling her to spit the offensive item out but she powered through anyway. Yana swallowed then immediately downed a glass of cold water before she spoke. "It tasted awful as expected."

"That's why I said spit it out!" Oikawa pouted with his arms crossed as he began to throw away the rest of the food.

"I wanted to at least taste it." Yana took the now empty plates and set them aside. "You tried your best for me, didn't you? So why wouldn't I want taste what my boyfriend made for me?" As horrible as the food was, she was touched by the gesture. The least she could do was taste it.

Oikawa blushed. To say their relationship was going slowly was an understatement. They hadn't done anything other than hold hands, cuddle and an occasional kiss on the cheek. However, despite it all Yana managed to fluster him with just the little things they would share.

"We may not be able to salvage what you made but at the very least we can make something else." Yana put on the second apron. "Tooru?" Yana managed not to stutter as she used his first name. The way it sounded on her tongue was so foreign, but she didn't hate it in the slightest. She blushed and looked away unable to meet eyes with him. "Will you help me make the pancakes?"

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